Celebrating Excellence and Leadership
The Student Leadership Banquet celebrated our brilliant Science students from years one to four for their excellence and leadership in our vibrant academic community.
The Student Leadership Banquet celebrated our brilliant Science students from years one to four for their excellence and leadership in our vibrant academic community.
Milena Gojsevic (she/her) is the Co-op Student of the Year for the Faculty of Science. During her work term at Sunnybrook Hospital, she displayed commitment and curiosity towards scientific research. Milena delves into the details of her impressive journey as a clinical research assistant.
At the Faculty of Science, we are constantly inspired by the remarkable women in our faculty and their determination to make a difference through science. Continue reading to learn more about their stories, what inspiring inclusion means to them, and their advice for emerging young scientists.
In our classrooms, we are fortunate to have Black student leaders who excel in their academic pursuits and serve as role models for the rest of our UW community. These individuals selflessly donate their time and energy to guide and support first-year students, paving the way for future generations of Black students in science.
Get presentation ready for the Faculty of Science’s newest course, Staging Science: Embodying Knowledge Expression in the Sciences. A collaboration between the Faculties of Arts and Science, the course is taught by Communication Arts professor Sarah Klein and designed specifically for science students.
Under the guidance of laboratory instructor Leanne Racicot, the chemistry department has achieved a notable milestone by transforming one of its teaching labs into an environmentally friendly space for student learning.
A group of University of Waterloo students enjoyed an incredible experience visiting Toronto to tour the head office of Xanadu, the Canadian quantum computing company on a mission to make useful quantum computers accessible to everyone. What brought these students to such a unique opportunity? A win at Xanadu's Canadian Quantum Cup!
From space missions to pumpkin explosions, it's safe to say we had a busy term here in the Faculty of Science. Catch some stand-out moments that made Fall 2023 one of a kind!
STEM with Disabilities was inspired by the frustration of being a student with disabilities and the epiphany of the power that comes from community. Through sharing lived experiences, the visibility project connects scientists, engineers, technologists, and mathematicians with disabilities, offering diverse role models for postsecondary students.
Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs has announced the 25 finalists for the 2022-2023 GRADflix competition year, which includes seven finalists from the Faculty of Science.