Our Indigenization Journey at Waterloo Pharmacy
Our Indigenization Journey at Waterloo Pharmacy
Our Indigenization Journey at Waterloo Pharmacy
Members of the University of Waterloo community from across campus supported the vaccine campaign at regional clinics like the Health Sciences Campus clinic
The Health Sciences Campus (HSC) clinic will see its last patient today. Over 75,000 COVID-19 vaccinations were administered at the clinic, which was led by the Centre for Family Medicine and hosted in the University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy.
Lilian Toma started Waterloo Vaccine Tracker to help local residents find appointments
“I saw my own family struggling to book vaccine appointments, and that got me thinking about how many others in the region must be experiencing the same challenges,” says Lilian Toma.
Growing up as an African Canadian woman in Ottawa, Jocelyn Bonti-Ankomah didn’t see many people who looked like herself working in health-care roles.
Researchers have designed a device that delivers two medications that help stop HIV transmission.
Although condom usage is the best strategy for preventing HIV transmission, the researchers are working to design a device that can be used by sex workers and in situations where women are not in a position to negotiate condom use.
Professors Aravindhan Ganesan (Pharmacy) and Subha Kalyaanamoorthy (Chemistry) use drug design methods to target the molecular machinery that supports COVID-19 replication.
This afternoon, Bob Lemieux, Dean of Science celebrated the amazing faculty and staff of the Faculty of Science that have received awards for teaching and research in the last four years (2018-2021), in addition to introducing the new faculty members, as well as recognizing faculty and staff who have retired since June 2018.
Complications associated with the COVID-19 vaccines have left members of the public concerned. How likely are people to suffer serious side effects having been vaccinated? Kelly Grindrod, a pharmacist and professor, provides answers to this and other questions.
Is it okay that I got AstraZeneca as my first dose?
University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy and University of Toronto pharmacy students are partnering to deliver one of Canada’s first pharmacy and technology focused hackathons.
Health and technology are destined to work together. The pandemic has only accelerated the speed of this collaboration, with many health-care workers turning to technology-enabled means of delivering services.
Congratulations to Omar Hajjaj, a Biology student at the University of Waterloo, who has been awarded the Experiential and Work-Integrated Learning Ontario (EWO) Coop Student of the Year award! Omar has also won the Waterloo's Faculty of Science Coop Student of the Year Award, as well as named one of four University of Waterloo Co-op Problem Award winners for 2020!