News archive - November 2020

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Announcement of the UWSA 2020 election results

2020 election results

We are excited to welcome new additions to the UWSA Board of Directors as they bring their expertise and knowledge to the table, while helping further the UWSA mission to represent the interests of UW Staff. 

Joe Allen, UWSA Chief Returning Officer presented the 2020 election report at the UWSA Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, October 29, 2020.  The following candidates were successful in their bids for election:

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

SEG is an investment in yourself

In June 2020, Mary Lyn Payerl was awarded Staff Enhancement Grant funds to pursue silversmith training. 

I want to thank the University of Waterloo Staff Association and the Staff Enhancement Grant Committee for approving my request for funds that I can apply toward my silversmith training and home studio setup. 

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