Recent honours thesis supervised by Psychology faculty members:
Adair, Wendi
- A qualitative analysis of "sharing knowledge-building relationships: Aboriginal experiences in the cross-cultural workplace" conference (2017)
- Emotion perception in emails: effect of context dependence and culture (2017)
- Urban Aboriginals' attitudes towards foreign culture inflow policies as a function of historical trauma (2016)
Anderson, Britt
- Cathodal tDCS stimulation of the left frontal cortex improves mental model updating (2017)
- Attention and contrast judgments: does attention alter appearance? (2017)
- Attention and contrast judgements: does attention alter appearance? (2016)
Beck, James
- The influence of confidence on the use of systematic data combination methods during personnel selection (2017)
- Take a closer look at creativity under time pressure: time available and goal level iterate to predict creative behaviour (2015)
- A meta-analysis of recovery experiences (2015)
Bergsieker, Hilary
- She said, he said: critical feedback from potential female (vs. male) coworkers signals lack of support for women in male-dominated careers (2017)
- Combating stereotypes about the sexuality of people with disabilities (2015)
- Validation of the gait outcomes assessment list (goal - TM) questionnaire (2015)
Besner, Derek
- Basic processes in reading aloud: towards a better understanding of the role of spatial attention (2012)
- Semantic interference in the Stroop task: does practice reduce interference? (2012)
- Reading aloud and the lexicalization hypothesis: is the additivity between stimulus quality and word frequency driven by orthography or phonology? (2012)
Bloom, Kathleen
- Drunk on jealousy: a five factor model of social media hypervigilance in adolescent romantic relationships (2017)
- Do rhyming abilities help children read, or do other abilities take the lead? A systematic review of the literature on rhyme and reading in children (2008)
Bobocel, Ramona
- Do just actions beget just evaluations for supervisors with intersectional identities (2017)
- Perceived unfairness of negative workplace events: the role of explanations and construal level (2015)
- In search for true forgiveness in workplace transgressions: the moderating effect of forgiveness motives (2014)
Brown, Doug
- The effects of leadership identity on thinking styles (2017)
- Expressing your emotions: how gender stereotypes of emotional variability affect female leaders (2017)
- Third party justice: relationships, emotions, and retaliation (2016)
Burris, Chris (St. Jerome's)
- Does facial width-to-height ratio differentiate among types of male offenders? (2016)
- Oughts and alts: an investigation of avatar creation norms and the self (2016)
- Coping with the SCoPE: an examination of embodiment as an existential antecedent of substance uUse (2016)
Danckert, James
- Willingness to exert cognitive and physical effort in individuals prone to boredom (2017)
- Goal directed behaviour in boredom proneness (2017)
Using a dual task paradigm to explore mechanisms of mental model building and updating (2016)
Denison, Stephanie
- Hearing the difference: How do four-year-olds direct question asking when learning novel words? (2017)
- Selection versus reception learning: are there advantages to selection learning in a memory task with preschoolers? (2017)
- Children's use of causal information in classic base-rate neglect problems (2017)
Dixon, Michael
- Force variability: a behavioural marker of mind wandering (2017)
- Going with the flow: physiological and subjective correlates of flow state in videogames (2017)
- Can synaesthetic photisms be experienced in the absence of awareness? (2016)
Drysdale, Maureen (St. Jerome's)
- The impact of giftedness on the university experience (2017)
- Sense of belonging, peer support and well-being in international studies (2016)
- The effects of neurofeedback training on the intellectual functioning of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, learning disabilities, and Asperger's Syndrome (2012)
Eibach, Richard
- What would it take for you to read me? Applying the reactive approach motivation model to the narrative experience (2017)
- Turning Over a New (Maple) Leaf: Predicting Temporal Distancing and Emotional Responses to Historical Injustices in Canada (2017)
- Romantic rejection and masculinity threat: understanding the connection between rejection and masculine overcompensation (2016)
Ellard, Colin
- How Central and Peripheral Vision Affect Experiences of Stress
- Immersive virtual environments and their effects on prosocial behaviour (2017)
- Observer effect on the experience of environment and risk: a behaviour and distance estimation study in immersive virtual environments (2016)
Fernandes, Myra
- Drawing with your eyes: extending mnemonic research (2017)
- Memory for maps: the influence of gender and age (2016)
- A survey of senior citizens’ perspectives on research in aging (2016)
Fong, Geoffrey
- The relationship between perceived risk and intentions to quit among smoking youth
- Cigarette smoking on TV: effects on explicit and implicit smoking identification, attitudes, and intentions
- The impact of prepaid monetary incentives on response rates in a telephone based survey: an analysis of the International Tobacco Control (ITC) four country survey (2009)
Friedman, Ori
- Children's sensitivity to advisers' confidence and knowledge levels (2017)
- Morality and fiction in categorization (2016)
- Children's concept of ownership: the relation between ownership rights and body rights (2012)
Fugelsang, Jonathan
- The role of intuitive and analytic thinking on the illusion of truth (2017)
- Promoting analogical reasoning with mental construal (2017)
- Enhanced expressive writing as a method of alleviating math anxiety (2017)
Grossmann, Igor
- Training self-distancing strategies to promote wise reasoning (2017)
- The role of self-distancing for emotional experiences depends on trust (2017)
- Emotional complexity and wellbeing cross-culturally (2017)
Henderson, Heather
- The Effect of Similarity in Temperamental Surgency on Dyadic Interaction Quality and Performance Anxiety in 10-year olds (2017)
- Everyday executive functioning behaviours of siblings of children with autism during a clean-up task (2016)
Itier, Roxane
- Examining the effect of face size and fixation location on the N170 ERP component (2017)
The impact of emotionally expressive gaze cues on memory (2016)
- Fixations to specific emotional facial features and the N170 event-related potential (2014)
Kelly, Allison
- Denial, acceptance, challenge or "flexibility-encouragement:" what is the best response to fat talk? (2017)
- Investigating the moderating role of emotional closeness to social comparison targets on response to self-help strategies for body image (2016)
- The Relationship between intervention attitudes and ultimate intervention outcomes (2016)
Koehler, Derek
- Inducing analytic thought: a dual process examination (2017)
- Are intuitive tasks easy? the impact of cognitive load on strategy implementation in a binary choice task (2017)
- Evaluating the Effect of Checklists on Rationality. (2016)
MacLeod, Colin
- Shapes, tones and associations: exploring cross-modal contingency learning (2017)
- Context and production in Memory (2016)
- Cost benefit analysis of the production effect (2013)
McAuley, Tara
- Emotional reactivity as a moderator of the effect of mood on response inhibition (2017)
- The effect of ADHD traits on binge-watching behaviour (2017)
- The effect of sibship on executive functioning (2015)
McGregor, Ian
- How Trait BIS and BAS Affect Self-Control (2017)
- The Effect of Agreeableness on Relationship Conflict and Intervention (2017)
Michela, John
- Inducing UX intent: application of an expanded model of career choice intervention (2017)
- Personal values and attraction to careers (2016)
- Organizational vision support through value congruence (2013)
Moscovitch, David
- Generate closeness or make a good impression? The impact of interpersonal mindsets on self-focused attention and social outcomes in high vs. low socially anxious participants (2017)
Web based micro-interventions for social anxiety: how helpful is a single guided session of individualized CBT case conceptualization? (2016)
- Embarrassing oneself or bothering others: The locus of concern in social anxiety (2015)
Nilsen, Elizabeth
- The social consequences of errors in communicative perspective taking (2016)
- The paralinguistic behaviours of mothers in social interaction for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (2013)
- Executive functioning, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) symptoms, and social interactions (2011)
Oakman, Jonathan
- Distinguishing inferential confusion from threat appraisals in obsessive-compulsive cognition (2017)
- The use of emotion-regulation strategies after a negative event (2017)
- Specification-curve analysis: an application and evaluation (2017)
O'Neill, Daniela
- The effects of electronic toys on parent-child talk (2012)
- Relations between narrative ability and pattern abstraction in preschoolers. (2011)
Purdon, Christine
- The role of self-mistrust and sensitive self-views in OCD symptom severity in a clinical sample (2017)
- Guilt and the spectrum of self-other compassion (2017)
- Verbalization during compulsions in OCD (2014)
Rehman, Uzma
- Understanding barriers to sexual communication (2017)
- The association between executive functioning skills and interpersonal behaviour in older married couples: An observational study (2015)
- Life stress and sexual outcomes (2015)
Rempel, John (St. Jerome's)
- Diminishing the hate motive without harming the hated target (2017)
- Love your enemies: the effect of positive behaviour on experiences of hate and dislike (2012)
- Self-justification: justifying a conceptual framework (2012)
Risko, Evan
- Learning styles: what people prefer versus what helps them learn(2017)
- What tricks does the Internet play on memory and judgments of learning? (2017)
- Determinants of confidence in information retrieved from an external source (2016)
Rye, B.J. (St. Jerome's)
- The relation between sexual identity and psychological well-being: a gendered analysis (2017)
- Striving for perfection from the outside in: a proposed relationship between appearance investment, identity, and acceptance of cosmetic enhancements (2015)
- Attitudes toward transgenderism (2014)
Scholer, Abigail
- Redirecting the focus: investigating the effects of time horizon perspectives on regulatory focus state motivations (2017)
- Consequences of loss: regulatory focus and risky behaviour across domains (2014)
- Switch or persist? The role of regulatory focus on goal management after failure (2014)
Serafini, Toni (St. Jerome's)
- Striving for perfection from the outside in: a proposed relationship between appearance investment, identity, and acceptance of cosmetic enhancements (2015)
- Exploring the construct erotophobia-erotophilia: trait or attitude? (2011)
- Bisexuality as a sexual moratorium: exploring the relationship between ego identity and sexual identity (2009)
Shen, Winny
- Do just actions beget just evaluations for supervisors with intersectional identities (2017)
- Sex differences in perceptions of work-family conflict and associated emotions: an experimental approach (2017)
- A case for a more dynamic, within-person model of workplace impression management (2016)
Smilek, Dan
- The next-in-line effect: extending prior research into new environments (2017)
- Does increasing opportunities to media multitask lead to more media multitasking? (2017)
- An investigation of flow in mind wandering (2016)
Spencer, Stephen
- How the belief's of one's cognitive capacity can effect depletion levels after an interracial interaction (2013)
- Defensive high self-esteem and power: a combination for self-entitlement (2012)
- Do cosmetic products help or hinder self-esteem in women? (2012)
Stolz, Jennifer
The over-interpretation of abstract art (2017)
Evolution's rle in lying and lie detection (2017)
Building a monte carlo simulator to predict performance on a time estimation task (2016)
White, Katherine
- She said grawss, not gruhss: do toddlers show long-term memory for a talker’s specific accent characteristics? (2016)
- The effect of language experience on visual coding (2016)
- I remember thee, uh blicket! – how disfluencies influence children’s memory of novel words (2016)
Wood, Joanne
- Relationship disclosure in threatened individuals: differences between high self-esteem and low self-esteem individuals (2016)
- To share or not to share? The effect of relationship threats vs. affirmations and self-esteem on the likelihood and enthusiasm of capitalization attempts (2016)
- Self-esteem and negative expressivity in romantic relationships (2015)
Woody, Erik
- Does hostility subvert reciprocity? The relationship between affiliation and control in interpersonal complementarity(2013)
- The relation of patterns of clients’ and therapists’ warmth to the therapeutic alliance (2013)
- Segmented coding of responsiveness in dyadic discussions on experiences about a cardiac arrest (2012)
Updated: June 29, 2017