To view the full list of graduate PSYCH courses that will be offered in a given term, alongside days, times and course locations, please visit the Graduate Schedule of Classes, select the term, PSYCH for Subject and do not type any course number, then hit Search.
Visit the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar for course descriptions.
Notes about future availability for Clinical PSYCH courses
Each of the following Clinical practicum courses is only mounted in terms when there is at least one Clinical student to be enrolled in it. (The suffix A indicates a Fall-term practicum, B a Winter-term practicum, and C a Spring-term practicum.)
- PSYCH 737A - Emotion-Focused Therapy Practicum
- PSYCH 737B - Emotion-Focused Therapy Practicum
- PSYCH 737C - Couples’ Therapy Practicum
- PSYCH 738A - Clinical Fieldwork Placement II
- PSYCH 738B - Clinical Fieldwork Placement II
- PSYCH 738C - Clinical Fieldwork Placement II
- PSYCH 739A - Clinical Fieldwork Placement III
- PSYCH 739B - Clinical Fieldwork Placement III
- PSYCH 739C - Clinical Fieldwork Placement III
- PSYCH 740A - Senior Practicum I
- PSYCH 740B - Senior Practicum I
- PSYCH 740C - Senior Practicum I
- PSYCH 741A - Senior Practicum II
- PSYCH 741B - Senior Practicum II
- PSYCH 741C - Senior Practicum II
- PSYCH 742A - Senior Practicum III
- PSYCH 742B - Senior Practicum III
- PSYCH 742C - Senior Practicum III
Titles of all courses
There is no guarantee that all of the courses/topics listed will be offered in the future.
PSYCH 605 - Special Topics in Clinical Psychology
Future PSYCH 605 topics are pending, and might differ from those currently listed in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.
PSYCH 621 - Advanced Clinical Research
Topic 1 - Forum I
Topic 2 - Forum II
Topic 3- Forum III
Topic 4 - Forum IV
PSYCH 630 - Advanced Analysis of Variance
PSYCH 632 - Multiple Regression
PSYCH 640 - Special Topics in Psychology
Topic 1 - Professional Issues
Topic 4 - Human Development
Topic 5 - Human Motivation and Emotion
Topic 6 - Communities of Practice
Topic 7 - Cognitive Psychology: A Review
Topic 8 - Programming for Researchers
Topic 9 - Children's Peer Relationships
Topic 10 - Data Analysis Graphing in R
Topic 11 - Qualitative Methods
PSYCH 650 - Special Topics in Cognition and Perception
Topic 2 - Modelling Cognitive Processes
Topic 3 - Contemporary Issues in Cognitive Psychology
Topic 4 - Basic Processes in Reading
Topic 5 - Reasoning, Decision-making, the Brain
Topic 6 - Reading Modeling
Topic 7 - Classics in Cognitive Psychology
Topic 8 - Numerical Cognition
Topic 9 - Classics in Cognitive Psychology II
Topic 10 - Reasoning and Decision-Making
Topic 11 - Embodied Cognition
PSYCH 670 - Special Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience
Future PSYCH 670 topics are pending. Examples of topics offered in previous terms are:
1231 - Introduction to Psychophysiology
1221 - Mind, Math, Theory, and Code
1209 - Cognitive Neuroscience Research
1149 - Neuroscience of Attention
1141 - Visualizing Data-Theory/Method
PSYCH 677A - Fundamentals of Behavioural Neuroscience
PSYCH 680 - Special Topics in Child Behaviour and Development
Topic 1 - Peer-to-Peer Conversation
Topic 2 - Family Conflict
Topic 4 - Research Methods in Communicative Development
Topic 5 - Developmental and Communication Science Internship/Practicum I
Topic 7 - Developmental and Communication Science Internship/Practicum II
Topic 9 - Developmental and Communication Science Internship/Practicum III
Topic 11 - Child Clinical Practicum I
Topic 12 - Child Clinical Practicum II
Topic 13 - Child Clinical Practicum III
Topic 14 - Advanced Assessment/Intervention I
Topic 15 - Imitation and the Social Mind
Topic 16 - Advanced Assessment/Intervention II
Topic 17 - Advanced Assessment/Intervention III
Topic 19 - Origins of Numbers
Topic 20 - Observational Child Assessment
Topic 21 - Observational Child Assessment II
Topic 22 - Development of Abstraction
Topic 23 - Child Language and Disadvantage
Topic 24 - First Steps to Language
Topic 25 - Conceptual Development
Topic 26 - Language Development in ADHD Children
Topic 27 - Child Pragmatics
Topic 28 - Abstract Magnitude Estimation
Topic 29 - Child and Adult Bilingualism
Topic 30 - Children's Social Cognition
Topic 31 - Rational Approaches to Cognitive Development
Topic 32 - Cognitive Development I
Topic 33 - Cognitive Development II
Topic 34 - Research Apprenticeship
Topic 35 - Social Emotional Development
Topic 36 - Behavioural Economics for Kids
Topic 37 - Cognitive Development III
Topic 38 - Language Development and Social Disadvantage
PSYCH 690 - Special Topics in Social and Personality
Topic 2 - Autobiographical Memory and the Self
Topic 3 - Close Relationships
Topic 4 - Psychology of Attitudes
Topic 5 - The Self
Topic 6 - Stereotyping Prejudice
Topic 7 - Self-Regulation Motivation
Topic 8 - Cultural Ethnic Conflict
Topic 9 - Psychology of Justice and Legitimacy
Topic 10 - Psychology of Legitimacy Systemic Justification
Topic 11 - Conflict and Reconciliation
Topic 12 - Personality in Social Context
Topic 13 - Social Cognition
Topic 14 - Social Judgement
Topic 15 - Theory Development
Topic 16 - Sources of Motivation
Topic 17 - Moral Psychology
Topic 18 - Readings on Gang Prevention
Topic 19 - Cultural Psychology
Topic 20 - Methods to Study Culture Mind
Topic 21 - Intergroup Relations
Topic 22 - Positive Psychology
Topic 23 - Motivation, Threat and Defense
Topic 24 - Wisdom
PSYCH 701 - Foundations in Cognitive/Social Development: Basic
PSYCH 702 - Foundations in Cognitive/Social Development: Social Cognitive Development
PSYCH 704A - Social Psychology
PSYCH 705 - Foundations in Language Development: Basic Language Development
PSYCH 706 - Foundations in Language Development: Pragmatics of Language
PSYCH 707 - Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar
Topic 1 - Seminar I
Topic 2 - Seminar II
Topic 3 - Seminar III
Topic 4 - Seminar IV
PSYCH 708 - Reasoning about Ownership of Property
PSYCH 709 - Reasoning about Beliefs and Desires
PSYCH 710 - Current Issues in Developmental Psychology Seminar
Topic 1 - Seminar I
Topic 2 - Seminar II
Topic 3 - Seminar III
Topic 4 - Seminar IV
PSYCH 713 - Theories of Pretence
PSYCH 714 - Current Topics in Social Psychology Seminar
Topic 1 - Seminar I
Topic 2 - Seminar II
Topic 3 - Seminar III
Topic 4 - Seminar IV
PSYCH 716 - Adult Psychopathology
PSYCH 717 - Psychological Assessment I
PSYCH 718 - Psychological Assessment II
PSYCH 719 - Ethics, Diversity, and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology
PSYCH 720A - Practicum in Interviewing Cognitive Assessment I
PSYCH 720B - Practicum in Interviewing Cognitive Assessment II
PSYCH 721A - Diagnostic Assessment Practicum I
PSYCH 721B - Diagnostic Assessment Practicum II
PSYCH 722C - Clinical Fieldwork Placement I
PSYCH 723 - Child Psychopathology and Psychotherapy
PSYCH 724 - Personality Measurement Theory
PSYCH 725 - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
PSYCH 726A - Practicum in Integrated Assessment I
PSYCH 726B - Practicum in Integrated Assessment II
PSYCH 727 - Efficacy Program Evaluation
PSYCH 728 - Psychotherapy: Classical Roots Contemporary Developments
PSYCH 729A - Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Practicum I
PSYCH 729B - Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Practicum II
PSYCH 729C - Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Practicum III
PSYCH 730A - Adult Psychotherapy Practicum I
PSYCH 730B - Adult Psychotherapy Practicum II
PSYCH 730C - Adult Psychotherapy Practicum III
PSYCH 731 - Emotion-Focused Therapy
PSYCH 732A - Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Practicum I
PSYCH 732B - Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Practicum II
PSYCH 732C - Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Practicum III
PSYCH 733A - Adult Psychotherapy Practicum I
PSYCH 733B - Adult Psychotherapy Practicum II
PSYCH 733C - Adult Psychotherapy Practicum III
PSYCH 734A - Practicum in Supervision I
PSYCH 734B - Practicum in Supervision II
PSYCH 734C - Practicum in Supervision III
PSYCH 735A - Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Practicum I
PSYCH 735B - Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Practicum II
PSYCH 735C - Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Practicum III
PSYCH 736A - Adult Psychotherapy Practicum I
PSYCH 736B - Adult Psychotherapy Practicum II
PSYCH 736C - Adult Psychotherapy Practicum III
PSYCH 737A - Emotion-Focused Therapy Practicum
PSYCH 737B - Emotion-Focused Therapy Practicum
PSYCH 737C - Couples’ Therapy Practicum
PSYCH 738A - Clinical Fieldwork Placement II
PSYCH 738B - Clinical Fieldwork Placement II
PSYCH 738C - Clinical Fieldwork Placement II
PSYCH 739A - Clinical Fieldwork Placement III
PSYCH 739B - Clinical Fieldwork Placement III
PSYCH 739C - Clinical Fieldwork Placement III
PSYCH 740A - Senior Practicum I
PSYCH 740B - Senior Practicum I
PSYCH 740C - Senior Practicum I
PSYCH 741A - Senior Practicum II
PSYCH 741B - Senior Practicum II
PSYCH 741C - Senior Practicum II
PSYCH 742A - Senior Practicum III
PSYCH 742B - Senior Practicum III
PSYCH 742C - Senior Practicum III
PSYCH 743 - Advanced Intergroup Relations
PSYCH 744 - Personality in Social Context
PSYCH 745 - Close Relationships
PSYCH 746 - Culture and the Mind
747 - Cognition and Perception Research Seminar
Topic 1 - Seminar I
Topic 2 - Seminar II
Topic 3 - Seminar III
Topic 4 - Seminar IV
PSYCH 758 - Applied Practicum in Cognitive Psychology
PSYCH 759 - Research Practicum in Cognitive Psychology
PSYCH 769 - Causal Reasoning
PSYCH 770 - Basic Issues in Cognition
PSYCH 772 - Auditory Processes and Speech Perception
PSYCH 773 - Psychophysics and Measurement
PSYCH 775 - Consciousness and Cognition
PSYCH 776 - Problem Solving, Judgment and Decision-Making
PSYCH 777 - Human Memory
PSYCH 778 - Attention
PSYCH 779 - Language and Reading
PSYCH 779A - Cognitive Neuropsychology I
PSYCH 779B - Cognitive Neuropsychology II
PSYCH 781 - Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory
PSYCH 782 - Visual Neuroscience
PSYCH 783 - Neuroimaging of Cognition
PSYCH 784 - Human Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology
PSYCH 785 - Attention and the Brain
PSYCH 788 - Epidemiologic Methods in Aging Research
PSYCH 789 - Mind-wandering and Inattention
PSYCH 790 - Case Studies in Neuropsychology
PSYCH 791 - Real and Virtual Spaces
PSYCH 792 - An Introduction to Methods in Computational Neuroscience
PSYCH 794 - Cognitive Neuroscience of Face Perception
PSYCH 795 - Structure and Function in the Developing Brain
PSYCH 800 - Psychometric Theory Structural Equation Modeling
PSYCH 801 - Advanced Structural Equation Modeling
PSYCH 803 - Meta-Analysis
PSYCH 804 - Multi-Level Modeling Applications in Psychology
PSYCH 810 - Directed Studies
Future PSYCH 810 topics are pending, and might differ from those currently listed in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.
PSYCH 820 - Community Practicum I
PSYCH 821 - Community Practicum II
PSYCH 822 - Community Practicum III
PSYCH 823 - Research Apprenticeship I
PSYCH 824 - Research Apprenticeship II
PSYCH 836A - Advanced Practicum in Applied Psychology
PSYCH 844 - Special Topics in Educational Psychology
Future PSYCH 884 topics are pending, and might differ from those currently listed in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.
PSYCH 846 - Special Topics in Applied Psychology
Future PSYCH 846 topics are pending, and might differ from those currently listed in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.
PSYCH 870 - Research Design Methods
PSYCH 875 - Organizational Psychology
PSYCH 876 - The Psychology of Justice in the Workplace
PSYCH 877 - Work Motivation
PSYCH 878 - Job Performance
PSYCH 879 - Personnel Selection
PSYCH 883 - Organizational Development
PSYCH 884 - Special Topics in Industrial Organizational Psychology
PSYCH 885 - Industrial Organizational Psychology Research Seminar
Topic 1 - Seminar I
Topic 2 - Seminar II
Topic 3 - Seminar III
Topic 4 - Seminar IV
Topic 5 - Seminar V
PSYCH 886 - Psychology of Training
PSYCH 887 - Research Methods in Industrial/Organizational
PSYCH 888 - Negotiation: Theory and Practice