PSYCH course enrollment and overrides

The Psychology Department applies the following enrolment policies regarding Online courses without exception:

  • We do not override enrolment capacity in our courses.
  • The Psychology Department does not maintain waiting lists. It is therefore the student's responsibility to keep checking QUEST for any changes in the enrolment status of a course.
  • Though course reserves may be adjusted from time to time during the course selection period, reserved spaces will not be granted by override. It is the student's responsibility to keep checking QUEST for spaces that may become more generally available due to adjustments in course reserves.
  • Students will not be allowed to enroll in Online or on-campus courses beyond the end date of the Add period which is typically the end of the second week of term. Spaces that remain unfilled by the end of that date, or that open up because of drops that occur beyond that date, will not be treated as new opportunities for students to join a course.

For PSYCH Courses offered by other units

If the campus location (camp loc) on the Schedule of Classes:

Also see Enrolment problems for Faculty of Arts courses other than Psychology.

Recommendations for successful enrolment in online courses:

  • Make note of all of the Important Dates  for the current/upcoming term in your personal calendars and set reminders.
  • Do not miss the course selection period as online courses frequently fill up early.
  • If you are currently unable to enroll in an online course, keep checking QUEST in case spaces open up prior to term due to drops or adjustments in reserve restrictions.
  • You will enhance your chances of securing a space if you check QUEST regularly and often during the Add/Drop period.

How do I enrol or get permission to override into a PSYCH course? 

Step 1.

Please check to see if you meet the pre-requisites to enrol in a course or if you have taken any anti-requisite courses that may prevent you to enrol. The most up to date pre-requisites and anti-requisites for all undergraduate courses can be found on the Undergraduate Calendar.

If you encounter issues in enroling in a course:

Step 2.

Contact the appropriate Psychology academic advisor for an override or further information.

Who to contact for enrolment problems?

Advisor Course issues
Ceylan Enver
  • Introductory Psychology Research courses (PSYCH 291, PSYCH 292)
  • Special topics and Seminar Courses (PSYCH 363, PSYCH 420, PSYCH 477, PSYCH 451 - 463, PSYCH 470)
  • Research Intensive Specialization Required courses (PSYCH 391, PSYCH 389, PSYCH 390, PSYCH 492)
Claudia Labahn
  • All HRM course code courses (Please see HRM course enrolment policies)
  • Introductory Psychology (PSYCH 101)
  • Psychology Core Discipline Courses (PSYCH 207, PSYCH 211, PSYCH 238, PSYCH 253, PSYCH 257, PSYCH 261)
  • 300 level Psychology courses offered on the UW-Main campus 
  • *Research Apprenticeship Courses (PSYCH 264, PSYCH 464)
  • *Directed Studies (PSYCH 480 through 486) 
  • Honour's Thesis (PSYCH 499A/B/C)

*Please note that Directed Studies and Research Apprenticeship courses require department consent to enrol. See the Courses requiring an application page for more information.