Psychology is a scientific approach to understanding mind and behaviour. Honours Psychology students all learn about the body of knowledge that exists in Psychology as well as the scientific procedures for making new discoveries.
The honours thesis (PSYCH 499A/B/C) is an optional course for those Honours Psychology students who have a strong interest in conducting original research and wish to gain greater experience in research design, data analysis and interpretation. Students carry out the honours thesis project under the supervision of a faculty member and present the findings in a scholarly paper.
Should I do an Honours Thesis?
PSYCH 499 is an optional course, however it is strongly recommended for those who have an interest in pursuing graduate studies! This course can be seen as 'mini-grad school' as you will be working with a supervisor to produce your own piece of research. Also, an honours degree in Psychology that includes a thesis is typically required for admission to graduate programs in Psychology.
An honours thesis is also recommended for those who want to showcase the culmination of the extensive training that they have received in research methods and data analysis (e.g., PSYCH 291, 292, 389, 390, 492) while completing their Honours Psychology degree. Thus, PSYCH 499 is a good choice for students who have a strong interest in, and commitment to, conducting original research and wish to gain greater experience in research design, data analysis and interpretation.
Finally, Thesis supervisors are able to write more meaningful reference letters for students' applications for further studies, scholarships, or employment!
Next steps for enrolment
If you feel as through this course is right for you here is what you need to do next
- Review the enrolment information below to make sure you are eligible
- Read through our comprehensive Honours Thesis Handbook
- Find a supervisor (NEW: List of Faculty members considering taking Thesis Students)
- Contact the course administrator with any questions
- Enrol in course on Quest