PSYCH 499 Potential Supervisors

This page is dedicated to housing a list of potential supervisors who are currently considering Honour's thesis supervision in a given term. This page will be updated regularly in order to help you narrow your search in finding a supervisor for your thesis.

Please note that though a Faculty member's name is listed here, it does not guarantee that they are taking students nor does it guarantee you will be chosen. We try to update this page regularly as Faculty members make us aware of their availability for the term. 

If you find yourself struggling to find a supervisor please contact the PSYCH 499 course administrator .

Tips and Tricks for reaching out to a potential Supervisor

Think carefully about what you want to tell faculty members about yourself before making contact (think 'foot-in-the-door'). For example, inform a potential supervisor of the following:

  • for which school terms you are seeking a thesis supervisor
    (If not planning to do PSYCH 499 over back-to-back school terms, please explain why, e.g., co-op work term).
  • why you are interested in doing an honours thesis
  • the program that you are enrolled in
    (e.g., BA versus BSc, co-op versus regular stream)
  • attach an unofficial transcript 
  • your educational and career goals
  • your volunteer/work experience that you have had previously and with whom
  • why are you interested in doing your thesis under their supervision e.g.,
    • Did you work in their lab as a volunteer or paid research assistant?
    • Did you take a course with them previously?
    • Have you read articles that they wrote?
    • Do their interests relate to your interests for studies at the graduate level and/or future employment?
    • Were you referred by someone and why?

Faculty members currently considering a PSYCH 499 Supervision

Last updated: February 5, 2025

Faculty Members from other units who have taken Honours Thesis students in the past

Faculty member

Other Unit

Siobhan Sutherland St. Jerome's
Chris Burris St. Jerome's
John Rempel St. Jerome's
Maureen Drysdale St. Jerome's
Toni Serafini St. Jerome's
Krista Kelly Optometry