Apprenticeship courses (Psych 264, 464)

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If interested in an unpaid apprenticeship in a psychology research lab for one academic term, consider one of PSYCH 264 or PSYCH 464. Enrolment is possible Fall, Winter, or Spring term.

The Apprenticeship course provides valuable opportunities for networking, skill development, and assessing your educational and career choices.

Those hoping to do an Honours Thesis in Psychology (PSYCH 499A/B/C) and/or planning to apply for admission to graduate programs in Psychology are encouraged to enrol in a Research Apprenticeship course.

Extended course description

Course descriptions in the Undergraduate Calendar

PSYCH 264 (Research Apprenticeship)

This course involves an unpaid apprenticeship of 96 hours in a faculty member’s research lab in the Psychology Department. Apprenticeship hours must be completed before the end of the lecture period for the term of enrolment. Students are assigned duties (see PSYCH 464 for examples) that introduce them to the research process. It is the student's responsibility to find a research supervisor. It is expected that the students' workload will be equal to or greater than that of most regular courses. Paid or unpaid co-op placements are not acceptable for credit in the course.

Requirements for enrolment:

  • Prerequisite: PSYCH 291; Honours Psychology students
  • Antirequisite: PSYCH 464

PSYCH 464 (Advanced Research Apprenticeship)

This course involves an unpaid apprenticeship of 96 hours in a faculty member’s research lab in the Psychology Department. Apprenticeship hours must be completed before the end of the lecture period for the term of enrolment. Students are assigned duties that will enable them to advance their understanding of the research process. Examples include: participating in the design of an experiment and obtaining ethics approval; scheduling, testing, and debriefing research participants; data entry on the computer; and preliminary data analysis. It is the student's responsibility to find a research supervisor. It is expected that the students' workload will be equal to or greater than that of most regular courses. Paid or unpaid co-op placements are not acceptable for credit in the course.

Requirements for enrolment:

  • Prerequisite: PSYCH 391; one of PSYCH 389, 390, 392-399, 483, 484; Honours Psychology students

Find a course supervisor

It is your responsibility to find a course supervisor for the apprenticeship course.

There are some positions posted on our Research Assistant postings page, but more opportunities can be found by approaching faculty members.

How to approach faculty members about research assistant positions (volunteer or paid)

All faculty members in the Psychology Departments at the University of Waterloo and at St. Jerome's University are eligible to be supervisors for PSYCH 264 or PSYCH 464.

Department of Psychology at the University of Waterloo: search the Faculty listing or search for Faculty by area of Psychology - see 'Contacts by Group' on the right sidebar of the Faculty listing.

Department of Psychology at St. Jerome's University: Chris Burris, Maureen Drysdale, John Rempel, B.J. Rye.

Grading basis and academic credit

PSYCH 264 and PSYCH 464 are offered on a credit versus no credit grading basis (i.e,. grades will be CR or NCR). CR and NCR grades have no impact on the average calculations for the degree. Each course is worth .5 academic units.

Those whose home Faculty is the Faculty of Arts or the Faculty of Science are allowed to take courses on a CR/NCR grading basis. If your home Faculty is other than Arts or Science, it is your responsibility to ensure you are allowed to take a course on a CR/NCR grading basis. 

Please read carefully the residency requirements for your home Faculty and program before taking any courses on a CR/NCR grading basis.

Consult with the Psychology Academic advisor if you have a large number of CR/NCR credits, transfer credits, or are a China 2+2 student, to ensure that taking PSYCH 264/464 will count towards your degree progress.

Application/proposal for enrolment

You and the course supervisor must agree on the course number for the apprenticeship course (PSYCH 264 or PSYCH 464) and complete the PSYCH 264/464 application/proposal form.

Submit the course application/proposal form via email to your Supervisor for completion, and your Supervisor should email the application to the HRM Program Coordinator and Academic Advisor for approval as soon as possible but no later than the eighth day of classes for the appropriate term. 

Ethics clearance and training

See the ethics clearance and training requirements for PSYCH 264 and PSYCH 464 enrolment.

Course approval and enrolment

The request for enrolment in PSYCH 264 or PSYCH 464 will be reviewed by the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies in University of Waterloo Department of Psychology. This step must be completed no later than the tenth day of classes.

If the course application/proposal is approved:

  • The Registrar's Office will be notified to add PSYCH 264 or PSYCH 464 to your schedule. You and your course supervisor will receive a copy of that message.
  • A copy of the approved course proposal will be sent to you, your course supervisor, and the Departmental Ethics Review Committee Officer (David McLean) by email attachment. Please retain this document, which represents the course outline/contract, for future reference.

If the course application is denied, you and the proposed course supervisor will be notified.