Students enrolled in any non- or post-degree academic plan may pursue the Diploma in Human Resources Management.
Students in degree studies who satisfactorily complete the requirements for the Human Resources Management Minor, but for whatever reason must discontinue their degree studies, may request a Diploma in Human Resources Management. Those who earn the Diploma are precluded from pursuing a second Human Resources Management plan if they are later admitted or readmitted to degree studies.
How do I declare a HRM Diploma?
You will first have to be admitted to a post-degree or Non-degree studies program. You will then take HRM 200 and upon completing the course with a 70% or greater average, you can submit a plan modification form stating your switch into the HRM Diploma program.
Note: If you are a post-degree student who has completed HRM 200 with a 70% or greater average in their undergraduate studies at the University of Waterloo: you will be enrolled directly into the HRM Diploma upon admission into post-degree studies!
The Diploma in Human Resources Management requires successful completion of a minimum of four academic course units (eight courses) with a minimum cumulative average of 70%. However if you are planning on seeking a CHRP/CHRL Designation upon receiving your diploma, you can complete all nine required courses for the coursework requirements.
I'm looking to just complete the Diploma to enhance my personal development!
The required courses in order to complete the Diploma:
- Complete one of:
- AFM 123/ARBUS 102
- AFM 102
- note: AFM 101 is the prerequisite course for AFM 102; only AFM 102 is counted towards completion of the minor.
- HRM 200
- at least two of
- PSYCH 238
- PSYCH 339
- PSYCH 340
- at least three of
- HRM 301
- HRM 303
- HRM 305
- HRM 307
- One more course (to a total of eight) from the above lists, or from the below list:
- HRM 400
- PSYCH 439
- PACS 202/LS 271
- MSCI/MSE 311
I'm looking to complete the Diploma AND the HRPA coursework requirements!
The required course in order to complete the minor AND the HRPA coursework requirements:
- Complete one of:
- AFM 123/ARBUS 102
- Or both of AFM 101 and 102
- note: AFM 102 is is only counted towards the completion of the Diploma; AFM 101 and AFM 102 are BOTH needed to fulfil HRPA's coursework requirements for designations
- HRM 200
- Complete all of
- PSYCH 238
- PSYCH 339
- PSYCH 340
- Complete all of
- HRM 301
- HRM 303
- HRM 305
- HRM 307
CHRL/CHRP designation:
The above courses have been approved by the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) towards the Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL) / Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designations. Details regarding the CHRL/CHRP designations, including coursework requirements, may be found on the HRPA website. Upon successful completion of the nine required courses, students are eligible to write the Comprehensive Knowledge Exam. The HRPA requires an average of 70% in the nine required courses with no individual course achieving lower than 65%. Each course expires 10 years after completion.
Additional Notes:
Please refer to the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar for the Faculty of Arts for details regarding the residency requirement. - Please check the prerequisites for the courses listed above.
- Students are encouraged to complete HRM 200 before enrolling in PSYCH 339 or PSYCH 340. Note that second year students are given priority enrolment in HRM 200.
- Students who have completed a Diploma in Human Resources Management or the course requirements for the Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL) / Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation, are precluded from enrolling in the Human Resources Management Minor or Diploma at Waterloo.
- Students interested in pursuing the CHRL/CHRP designation are advised to review the CHRL/CHRP requirements and consult with the HRM program advisor before finalizing their HRM course selections.
No exceptions to the above requirements will be made without prior written approval of the HRM Academic Advisor.
Plan average: All of the above courses are included in the HRM average calculation regardless of whether any of these courses is in excess of the minimum required. See the Academic Standing Definition for further details.
Double/Triple counting: Please refer to the Double-counting of courses details in the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar for the Faculty of Arts.
It is solely the responsibility of students to ensure that they are properly registered and meet course requirements and the requirements of the program for which they are registered. All students should review the Undergraduate Calendar, the relevant program requirements, and course information carefully.
Ready to pursue a Diploma in HRM?
Please visit the Part-time and online studies webpage or reach out to our Academic Advisor more details!