UW Psychology Grad Students Laura Colucci, Carla Rumeo, Jenessa Shaw, and Fatima Wasif presented an informative and engaging workshop on Mental Health 101 to individuals working in a not-for-profit organization. The event was hosted by the United Way in Winnipeg, Manitoba. To aide in developing and tailoring the workshop, a pre-workshop survey was sent to participants and the results were integrated into the presentation. 40 participants were in attendance for the talk, held over Zoom. Feedback from the workshop was highly positive, with appreciation paid to the integration of research and survey data with practical suggestions and addressing the challenging topic of burn-out.
Workshop Summary
In this workshop, we will focus our attention on various topics related to mental health, wellness, and coping strategies for distress. First, we will broadly discuss how mental health is defined, how it influences many domains of our lives, and how our mental health has changed throughout the pandemic. We will then center our discussion on psychological and emotional experiences that are common to individuals working in non-profit organizations and explain how mental health/wellness can be understood as a continuum. Last, our group will review a number of coping strategies for various stages of the continuum of wellness.