A part of Vice-President Education Adam Garcia's action plan, the Feds Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Awards honour professors at the University of Waterloo that have inspired and motivated undergraduates. The winners were chosen by the Feds Teaching Awards Committee, which consists of five at-large students from different faculties. The committee conducted in-class visits, and considered comments by students in the nomination forms before making their decisions. This year, a total of 21 professors were nominated by students. The nomination period was from October 2013 to February 2014.
“The professors that we decided on were noted by students for really going above and beyond,” said Feds Academic Affairs Commissioner Maaz Yasin, who ran the awards program. “Dr. Neufeld engaged his classes with interesting videos, and always showed enthusiasm. Dr. Ennis made his classes laugh, and some students said they never wanted to miss a lecture. Dr. Wriglesworth went off on tangents that entertained his classes, but eventually he managed to connect everything to the course material.”
Along with acknowledging the professors, the awards are a way for students to celebrate excellent teaching. Congratulations to the winners!
by Jacqueline Martinz, Federation of Students