Human Resources Management Option 2011 requirements
(This information is to be used in conjunction with the University undergraduate calendar which in all cases is the final authority.)
The Human Resources Management Option requires successful completion of a minimum of five academic course units (ten courses), with a minimum cumulative average of 70%, including:
- AFM 123*/ARBUS 102 or both of AFM 101 and 102*
- HRM 200*
- HRM 301*
- PSYCH 338*
- PSYCH 339*
- PSYCH 340*
- CS 100 or 200
- ECON 351
- ENGL 210F
- HRM 303*
- HRM 305*
- HRM 307*
- MSCI 311
- PACS 202
- PHIL 215/ARBUS 202
- one of SOC 241, 243
- statistics course
- Students in academic plans in Management Studies are precluded from taking HRM plans.
- Please check the prerequisites for the courses listed above.
- For further information, refer to the HRM website.
- Students are encouraged to complete HRM 200 before enrolling in PSYCH 339 or PSYCH 340. Note that second year students are given priority enrolment in HRM 200.
- Students who have completed an HRM Diploma or the course requirements for the Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation, or who have graduated from a college or university HR or Business program are precluded from enrolling in the HRM Minor, Option, or Specialization.
- Students are advised to review the CHRP requirements before finalizing their HRM course selections.
No exceptions to the above requirements will be made without prior written approval of the HRM Academic Advisor.
CHRP designation: The courses with asterisks have been approved by the Human Resources Professional Association (HRPA) towards the Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation. Details regarding the CHRP designation, including coursework requirements, may be found on the HRPA website.
PSYCH 340: Psych 340 was approved by HRPA effective Fall 2006 (the Fall 2005 offering was not approved).
Double/Triple counting: For any degree granted by the Faculty of Arts, up to three courses may count towards any two plans (e.g., A major/minor combination). Counting the same course towards more than two plans is not allowed under any circumstances, please refer to the Undergraduate Calendar for more information of counting rules.
Faculty of Arts Residency Requirement: Please refer to the Undergraduate Calendar for details of residency requirement.
Plan Average: All of the above courses are included in the HRM average calculation regardless of whether any of these courses is in excess of the minimum required. Please refer to the Undergraduate Calendar for details of HRM average calculation.