Research Interests
My program of research examines emotions and emotion regulation among youth. Examining emotions among youth is complicated by the presence of multiple, co-occurring processes reflecting long-term change (e.g., developmental processes) and short-term variability (e.g., day-to-day variability). To accommodate this complexity, my research aims to characterize emotions in the daily lives of youth and the implications for health and well-being by employing longitudinal designs and advanced statistical analyses.
As an AMTD postdoctoral fellow, I am examining affective adaptation during the transition to university. Through the information that emotions provide, we can better understand how students adapt during this critical juncture. At present, our understanding of students’ adaptation is represented by static, often cross-sectional approaches that do not capture the dynamic nature of this transitional period, thus limiting our understanding of how this process unfolds in daily life, what resources may facilitate adaptation, and implications for student health, well-being, and academic retention. Findings from this research can inform programs and policies to better support students' adaptation to university life and holds the potential to disrupt historical patterns of inequities evident in higher education.
Representative Publications
- Gilchrist, J., Mitchell, J., Qian, W., Patte, K,, & Leatherdale, S. (2022). Bidirectional associations between sleep duration and emotion dysregulation across adolescence. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/neygr
- Gilchrist, J., Gohari, M., Benson, L., Patte, K., & Leatherdale, S. (2022). Reciprocal relationships between positive emotions and resilience predict flourishing among adolescents. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dwbhp
- Gilchrist, J. D., Pila, E., Lucibello, K. M., Sabiston, C. M., & Conroy, D. E. (2021). Body surveillance and affective judgments of physical activity in daily life. Body Image, 36, 127-133.
- Gilchrist, J. D., Battista, K., Patte, K. A., Faulkner, G., Carson, V., & Leatherdale, S. T. (2021). Effects of reallocating physical activity, sedentary behaviors, and sleep on mental health in adolescents. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 20, 100380.
Current Funding
- SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant
- SSHRC Insight Development Grant