Incoming students in co-op


The proportion of the incoming student class that has registered in co-op and non-co-op programs by Faculty

Data Sources

  • Final Data: Institutional Analysis and Planning (IAP) Count Date Database, Registration and/or Application cube
  • Preliminary data: Confirmation and Year one reports sent out from the Registrar's Office and IAP, respectively

Inclusions and Exclusions


  • Data presented are for Fall admit terms only. New admits count new registrants as of count date (November 1)
  •  New admits and continuing students who are undergraduate full-time, first year students
  • New admits include students who deferred their admission from a previous year
  • A single applicant may receive multiple offers from uW, however, an applicant can only accept (confirm) one offer from uW and register in one program.  Students who receive more than one offer from uW may be counted more than once in the offer data


  • Part-time, non-degree, 2+2 programs, and upper year transfers are excluded
  • Second entry programs: social work, pharmacy and optometry
  • UAE campus
  • Cross-registered students (Laurier)


In 2015/16, a change in IAP’s reporting resulted in a change in numbers for Math non-co-op. In addition, the filter on non-professional programs inadvertently excluded Biomedical engineering.  The filters have been changed to exclude Optometry, Pharmacy and Social Work (professional programs)

Data Table