Our Strategic Plan was a critical mission, executed between 2013-2018, by our University community. Our accountability framework helped us to understand our direction and make course corrections where needed to achieve our goal, and hold us accountable to the campus community.
Putting accountability in action
Our accountability framework was been developed and implemented in partnership with theme leads and their teams.
Together, each theme identified indicators relevant to the actions being undertaken for each theme area. Every October for the duration of the Strategic Plan, with support from each theme, Institutional Analysis and Planning (IAP) coordinated the production of a Strategic Plan Progress and Outcomes Fall Update where each theme reports on its progress. In October 2018, IAP produced a final summative report.
The updates included:
- data for indicators for each theme area;
- progress and outcomes updates for each theme area; and
- update on action from each of the Faculties.
For additional information about the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan accountability efforts, please contact analysis@uwaterloo.ca.