Vibrant Student Experience Implementation Plan

Vibrant Student Experience Implementation Plan 2013-2018
Actions Progress Indicators Anticipated Results

Implementing excellent services to support students, including electronic services

Implementing a Student Relationship Management Approach for university services

More students feel supported through university services

More Waterloo students feel “a part of the university”

Waterloo students will more easily access information they need

Waterloo students will experience better customer service
Identifying, developing and delivering services and programs to optimize student potential

More Waterloo students will participate in peer support programs

Waterloo students will spend more hours in co-curricular activities

More Waterloo programs which contribute to leadership skill development will be implemented

Waterloo students will have a better university experience

Waterloo students will develop leadership skills
Creating a master plan for use of spaces that ensures social and study space is in place at Waterloo

A space inventory will be generated

More undergraduate and graduate students will report higher satisfaction with work / study space

Waterloo will have a comprehensive Space Master Plan that identifies collaborative / community-based campus space