Robust Employer-Employee Relationship Implementation Plan

Robust Employer-Employee Relationship Implementation Plan 2013-2018
Actions Progress Indicators
Anticipated Results
Attracting and retaining the highest quality candidates

A new recruitment strategy will be rolled out to all departments and Faculties

A first-year onboarding program will be created

The ‘first two-year’ turnover rate will be reduced

Exit interviews will be conducted with all departing employees
Waterloo will attract and keep highest quality candidates
Waterloo’s employment practices will be of the highest standard

In each of the years 2014-2017, three new departments and/or Faculties will begin the Excellence Canada certification process

Waterloo will become a destination of choice for conferences related to employment best practices professional development opportunities

Waterloo will achieve recognition as an organization that exemplifies best practices

All employment practices at Waterloo will be based on standards of excellence, innovation and wellness
Creating a healthy workplace 

A Healthy Workplace Plan will guide wellness programs, activities and services

A higher proportion of Waterloo’s staff will participate in educational opportunities regarding wellness within the workplace

There will be a reduction in reported absences from work as the result of illness and/or disability

Supporting employees throughout their career at Waterloo

A greater proportion of Waterloo’s staff will experience internal promotions, transfers and move from temporary to full-time

A greater proportion of Waterloo staff will attend the annual staff conference

Waterloo’s employees will complete events thus enhancing their management and leadership skills

Waterloo’s employees will experience career progression and mobility