Description of the USRA
Please review the details regarding the USRA provided by:
USRAs are allocated from the home department of the research supervisor. The USRA holder will work in the research supervisor's lab. Details specific to the NSERC USRA competition in the Department of Psychology are provided on this website.
The Psychology department reserves the right to set eligibility criteria within the constraints outlined by NSERC.
Are USRA available to non-University of Waterloo Students?
The Department of Psychology will not be accepting USRA applications from students registered at other universities at this time.
Eligibility criteria for USRA applicants
The Psychology department reserves the right to change eligibility criteria within the constraints outlined by NSERC.
To be eligible to apply for an award
- you must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada or a Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada), as of the deadline date for applications at the institution
- you must be registered, as of the deadline date for applications at the institution, in a bachelor's degree program at an eligible institution
- you must have obtained, over the previous years of study, a satisfactory cumulative average (normally at least 80% for the University of Waterloo Psychology Department)
- you cannot be currently enrolled in an undergraduate professional degree program in the health sciences (e.g., MD, DDS, BScN) (does not apply for CIHR USRAs)
- you cannot be currently registered or have been previously registered, at any time, in a graduate program in the same field of study
- you cannot have completed all your degree requirements
Note: CIHR and SSHRC USRAs are, at the present time, exclusively for Black student researchers. To be considered, you must self-identify as Black.
In addition
- if you already hold a bachelor’s degree and are studying toward a second bachelor’s degree, you may still apply for this award
- you may hold only one USRA per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31)
- you may hold a maximum of three USRAs throughout your undergraduate career (regardless of the granting agency)
To hold an award
- you must have completed all the course requirements of at least the first year of study (or two academic terms) of your bachelor’s degree
- you must have been registered in a bachelor’s degree program at the time of application and in at least one of the two terms immediately before holding the award
- you must be employed full time in eligible research and development activities in your proposed field of research during tenure of the award
- you cannot be registered in a graduate program
- You may hold an award at any time during the year as permitted by your academic program.
- Tenure may start on a date acceptable to both you and your host institution.
- USRA holders are not permitted to take courses during working hours throughout the USRA term unless special arrangements to make up the time have been made with the research supervisor. Those doing so may take a maximum of 2 term courses during the USRA term with the written permission of the research supervisor. In particular, USRA holders are not permitted to do thesis research during the term of the award
Training required for USRA holders
Application Process
Please note that all the USRA types (NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC) are administered by NSERC. Thus, even if you are applying for a CIHR or SSHRC USRA you would apply through the NSERC website
There are four steps:
Step 1: Find a Supervisor
Students applying for a USRA must have their application supported by a faculty member from the University of Waterloo’s Psychology Department. These faculty supervisors must have funding available to support the required student stipend. You must contact potential supervisors directly in advance of the application deadline and have an agreement in place with that supervisor such that if you are awarded the USRA they will sponsor it. You will be asked to identify this supervisor in the application materials.
Step 2: Complete Form 202 Part 1
Before completing the form, read carefully the 'general information' provided by NSERC (e.g., the terms that you accept by applying for the USRA such as ethical conduct, notes regarding the content and presentation standards for completing the form, help using the on-line system, etc.)
Login to the NSERC website as either a previous user or a first time user. Locate and complete NSERC Form 202 Part 1. If you recorded a Form 202 Part 1 for an earlier USRA competition, access that form and edit it for the current cycle. Do not create multiple forms
The PIN number requested is your NSERC PIN number not your UWaterloo ID number. All USRA applicants have an NSERC PIN. It can be found on any official correspondence received from NSERC. Refer to your PIN each time you apply for a USRA and in future correspondence with NSERC. If you have not previously applied for a USRA, or if you cannot remember your PIN, leave the field blank.
Leave the reference number blank. The system will assign this number automatically.
Regarding current and previous academic background, only list current and past universities (e.g., do not list colleges that you attended).
Review Form 202 Part 1 carefully for accuracy and completeness before finalizing it because revisions after stage 1 of the application process are complicated and time consuming.
You must upload a copy of your unofficial UWaterloo transcript or the system will not verify and confirm Form 202 Part 1. Access your unofficial transcript on Quest and create a pdf of the transcript. Then upload the pdf to Form 202 Part 1. Follow up with the official transcript requirement only if instructed to do so by the Office of Research.
After you have completed Form 202 Part 1 and uploaded the unofficial transcript, go to My Portfolio and select 'verify'. Once verification is confirmed, make note of the reference number (see the top of Form 202). Your faculty research supervisor will need this information.
Step 3: Supervisor Completes Form 202 Part 2 (instructions for potential supervisor)
Read the general information on the NSERC website.
Obtain the student's reference number (top of Form 202 Part 1).
Login to the NSERC website. Use the same userid and password you created for your own NSERC grant. If you forgot your userid or password, contact NSERC On-line Services Helpdesk for assistance (Ph 613-995-4273). To access and complete the form:
- select 'forms-researcher' under the heading 'forms management',
- select 'Form 202 Part 2'
- enter the student's reference number
If there is a warning that the student previously applied for a USRA, the system won't let you create a new Form 202 Part 2. In that case, access the previous Form 202 Part 2 and revise it appropriately.
The title of the research project may be used for publication purposes and therefore, should describe the subject of the research. Do not include symbols, acronyms, company or trade names. Details regarding the project must involve research and development activities in a 'natural science' area of Psychology.
PLEASE ensure that the proposed project falls within the mandate of the funding body the student is applying for (i.e., NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC)
Research subject codes for Psychology research
The form must include a few points regarding the responsibilities of the student researcher.
Step 4: Submit USRA application to Psychology USRA Coordinator
In an email to
Email Title:
Email Body:
Copy and paste the following and add your answers in the body of your email
Student Number:
Reference Number:
UW Email:
For what semester are you applying for the USRA (Spring, Fall, Winter):
Have you had a NSERC USRA in the past (Yes/No):
I confirm that I meet all the minimum requirements of the USRA award (Yes/No):
Briefly describe any research experience and/or list relevant research related courses (e.g., methods, statistics, apprenticeships):
Briefly describe your research related plans post-graduation:
The application deadlines you are given are firm. However, the Department of Psychology reserves the right to extend the application deadlines and/or the deadline for making the nomination decisions.
Decisions and notification
If you have been awarded a USRA, then you will receive an email from the Office of Research.
Payroll information for the USRA term
USRA payment
Office of Research will provide the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office with your name, identification number, and the value/type of award that you are receiving. The full value of the USRA will be paid to your UWaterloo student financial account through Quest in one lump sum the second week of the second month of the USRA term. A cheque will be sent to your home address shortly thereafter if you do not have any fees owing to the University. If you owe fees to the University, those fees will be paid first and then the remaining balance will be sent to you by cheque.
If you need funds for living expenses (e.g., rent) until the USRA payment is received, see details regarding emergency loans from the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office.
Payment of the financial supplement for the USRA term
The departmental USRA coordinator will provide the Administrative Officer, Department of Psychology with the list of USRA recipients, the names of their corresponding supervisors, and the amount of financial supplement that each individual will be receiving. Those receiving a USRA must meet with the administrative officer the first week of the USRA term to sign the appropriate paperwork for payroll to initiate payment of the financial supplement.
The supplement will be paid monthly.
Reminders to USRA holders
Ethics clearance and training required for all USRA holders
Meet with the Administrative Officer, Psychology Department, the first week of the USRA term to sign the appropriate paperwork for payroll.
Contacts in the Department of Psychology for the USRA
Departmental USRA coordinator:
Administrative Officer, Psychology department: Janice da Silva (email:
Office of Research USRA administrator: Sarindra Andrianasolo (email: