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Tanveer Randhawa

MSc, Public Health Sciences

Tanveer's research explores how immigrant Punjabi women experience menopause and reproductive health, focusing on how community beliefs and perceptions influence their journeys.

Mahmood Gohari

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Mahmood’s PhD research evaluated how the authorized sale of alcohol in some Ontario grocery stores affected alcohol use behaviours among youth.

Laura Fadrique

MSc student, Public Health and Health Systems

Laura's MSc research examined privacy and user trust in companies, and transparency in healthcare IoT (Internet of Things) data collection.

Nour Hammami

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Nour's PhD research investigated patterns of protective (physical activity) and risk health behaviours (binge drinking, cigarette smoking and cannabis use) and their relationship with weight status over time among youth participating in the COMPASS study in Ontario, Canada.

Eric Filice

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Eric's PhD research explores sexuality, information and communications technologies, and body image.

Somkene Igboanugo

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Somkene's PhD research examines the embedding of psychosocial stress among firefighters and university faculty and aims to increase our understanding of the relationship between stress and disease.

Kirsten Lee

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Kirsten's PhD research investigates the potential for nutrition labelling on menus to support healthy and sustainable eating in cafeterias.

Jerrica Little

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Jerrica's PhD research examined the clinical mental health needs and service access of emerging adults aged 18-29.

Nnenna Ike

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Nnenna's MSc research investigated the role of resilience on university students' use of mental health services while on campus. 

Yong-Jin Kim

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Yong-Jin's PhD research investigates the cost-effectiveness of tyrosine kinase inhibitors for the first-line treatment of lung cancer in Ontario.

Amanda Doggett

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Amanda's PhD research examines the impact that missing height and weight data can have on youth body mass index research.

Alex Luther

MSc student, Public Health and Health Systems

Alex's MSc research examined the impact of adverse childhood experiences on Indigenous children, and the nature of coping or resilience strategies to overcome these adversities. 

Emily Rutter

MSc student, Public Health and Health Systems

Emily's MSc research investigated the relationship between social support availability and cognitive function in Canadian adults between the ages of 45 and 85.

Madeline Reed

MSc student, Public Health and Health Systems

Madeline's MSc research compared health-related quality of life in parents of children with mental illness with what you would typically see in the Canadian adult population.

Sanaa Hussain

MSc, Public Health Sciences

Sanaa Hussain's research explores how women in Paulatuk, a remote community in Canada’s Arctic, experience and manage Type 2 and gestational diabetes, focusing on the intersections of gender, Indigeneity, and food access.

Robert Pierce Gauthier

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

For his PhD, Robert is studying how machine learning can be used by researchers to assist with thematic analysis of online communities that are discussing public health topics such as addiction recovery and vaccination.

Shoshannah Speers

MSc student, Public Health and Health Systems

Working with a NGO in the Philippines, Shoshannah pivoted her research plans in response to the global pandemic to understand more about the experience of community volunteers giving up their time to address the emergency food insecurity amongst some of the country's income-poor.

Kirti Sundar Sahu

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Kirti's research explores the use of NexGen data sources for public health surveillance. This includes the use of data from the Internet of Things (IoT) for real-time monitoring of behavioural risk factors for chronic diseases in Canada.

Kathy Luu

MSc student, Public Health and Health Systems

Kathy's MSc research examined the interaction of gender and social networks and how social networks can be a source of assistance for women experiencing poverty when accessing health care services in the Philippines.

Madara Marasinghe

PhD student, Aging, Health and Well-being

For her doctoral research, PhD Aging, Health and Well-being student Madara Marasinghe investigates the impact of assistive devices on the lives of older adults to understand more about the benefits and challenges these devices can have.

Pam Hopwood

PhD student, Public Health Sciences

Pam Hopwood's PhD Public Health Sciences research examines the experiences of women who find work via digital platforms or apps in feminised care occupations such as elder care work.

Tasneem Khan

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

By 2031, immigration is projected to account for 80 percent of Canada’s population growth, making mental health among newcomers an important public health issue. Tasneem's doctoral research investigates the mental health of immigrants to Canada by applying ecological system and life-course perspectives.

Shu-Feng Tsao

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Public Health and Health Systems doctoral student, Shu-Feng Tsao is passionate about infordemic - or health mis-/disinformation associated with infectious diseases. In particular her research looks at the infodemic that has been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Shu-Feng explores how infodemic influences people's decisions and behaviour with Twitter data analyzed by machine learning or artificial intelligence techniques.

Busola Adekoya

PhD student, Aging, Health and Well-being

Busola Adekoya's PhD Aging, Health and Well-being research examines how policies and programs for alert systems at local, municipal, and provincial or national levels are developed and implemented in Canada and Scotland.

Margaret Mutumba

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Margaret Mutumba's PhD Public Health and Health Systems research investigates the implementation of accessible and affordable fertility services in Sub-Saharan Africa.  

Emma Conway

PhD student, Aging, Health and Well-being

People with dementia often experience challenges communicating their experiences, which can impact their ability to participate in research. PhD Health and Well-being student, Emma Conway's research examines the current use of adapted or modified research methods with a view to improving the accessibility of research for people with dementia.

Kelly Gregory

MSc, Public Health and Health Systems

Kelly Gregory's master's research explores the occupational experiences of women first responders, through a comparative analysis of women police officers, firefighters, and paramedics. 

Shahan Salim

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

As well as environmental and economic impacts, air pollution is considered a major global health risk. Working toward his PhD Public Health and Health Systems, Shahan Salim has partnered with UNICEF Mongolia to develop a tool that will better predict air pollution patterns and provide early warnings for vulnerable populations.

Natalie Doan

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Intersectionality reflects the idea that people simultaneously embody multiple social characteristics such as gender, race, and socioeconomic position. Natalie Doan's PhD Public Health and Health Systems research uses intersectionality to advance our understanding of the systemic and structural barriers preventing adults in Canada from eating diets supportive of optimal health and well-being.

Nina Lamberti

MSc student, Public Health and Health Systems

Nina’s thesis research investigates how the cost barrier to contraception might differentially affect racialized and Indigenous women.

Alexandra Pepetone

PhD student, Public Health Sciences

Alexandra's research explores if and how food insecurity among adults and youth changed after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing our understanding of the impact of policy responses and how they may better prepare us to respond to food insecurity

Hibah Sehar

BSc student, Health Sciences

Hibah is a fourth-year Health Sciences student working on her undergrad thesis project entitled "Exploring the experiences of receiving pregnancy care via telehealth in Ontario: A qualitative study"

Martin Holmes

PhD candidate, Public Health and Health Systems

Martin's research focuses on food literacy, the knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate the modern food environment. A better understanding of food literacy can inform interventions to improve dietary patterns and practices to improve health.

Lesley Andrade

PhD student, Public Health Sciences

Lesley's research is examining the proportions of children and adults in Canada who use low- and no-calorie sweeteners, as well as identifying the key food and beverage sources of these sweeteners.

Danica Kannathasan

BSc student, Health Studies

Danica Kannathasan is a fourth-year Health Studies student who completed an undergraduate thesis. Her research aims to explore the lived experiences of Tamil mothers during the postpartum period.

Danielle Fearon

PhD student, Public Health Sciences

Danielle Fearon is a PhD student in Public Health Sciences.  Her thesis focuses on individuals with traumatic life events who have been admitted to inpatient psychiatry in Ontario.

Bara' AlShurman

PhD student, Public Health Sciences

Bara's research focuses on proposing a new framework to understand how biological and social interactions between vaccine hesitancy and COVID-19 can cause negative health outcomes among marginalized populations living in Ontario.

Emily Kocsis

PhD student, Public Health Sciences

Emily's PhD Public Health Sciences thesis investigates how and to what extent does taking part in agroecology inflences women's capacity to sustain rural livelihoods in the Western highlands of Guatemala. As a growing movement, science and set of practices, agroecology offers a strategy for advancing food system transformation through the centring of ecological and social wellbeing.

Karen Hock

PhD student, Public Health Sciences

Karen Hock is a second-year PhD student in the Public Health Sciences program. Her research will examine the impact of government policies implemented with the goal of reducing the occurrence of diet-related chronic diseases.

Kimberly D'Mello

MSc student, Public Health Sciences

Kimberly's research aims to examine changes in the types of cessation assistance used by people trying to quit smoking over time.

Ashlyn Simpson

MSc student

Ashlyn Simpson is an MSc student with a specialization in epidemiology and biostatistics. Her research focuses on comparing the levels of dixons in people living in an arctic community with the Canadian national average, and looks to discover how traditional indigenous foods can expose these communities to environmental contaminants.

Sarah Sousa

PhD, Public Health Sciences

Sarah Sousa is a PhD student in Public Health Sciences.  Her thesis focuses on the use of technology designed for older adults with dementia located in northern British Columbia (BC)

Nina Doad

BSc candidate, Public Health Sciences

Nina’s research project explores the Region of Waterloo’s Drug Treatment Court and its role in addressing drug-related offenses, with a specific focus on understanding participant experiences and redefining success within the program.

Karen Khalil El Hajj

PhD candidate, Aging, Health and Well-being

Karen’s research examines the potential implications of a new staffing policy taking effect across Ontario’s long-term care homes.

Emma Littler

PhD Candidate, Public Health Sciences

Emma’s research explores the relationship between chronic stress and mental disorders in children with a chronic physical illness.

Alyssa Milano

MSc, Public Health Sciences

Alyssa's research aims to provide valuable insights into trends in diet quality which will inform decision-making and guide public health programs and guidelines.

Michaella Miller

PhD, Public Health Sciences

Michaella's research focuses on the working conditions in long-term care for direct care workers and how staffing characteristics impact quality of care.

Arlene Oetomo

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Arlene’s research leverages smart thermostat technology to gain insights into indoor heat levels during extreme heat events and inform warning systems and health programs.

Josalyn Radcliffe

PhD student, Public Health Sciences

Josalyn’s research explores the interconnected challenges to human well-being, such as biodiversity loss and climate change, through the lens of foodways, examining how human relationships with other-than-human life can promote well-being at both personal and planetary scales.

Kathleen Slofstra

MSc, Public Health Sciences

Kathleen's thesis goal was to understand the experiences of people accessing and receiving abortions in Ontario. It also aimed to make suggestions about how abortion care could be improved.

Amanda Demmer

PhD, Public Health Sciences

Amanda Demmer's research explores the knowledge mobilization of evidence generated by the COMPASS System, focusing on how this data is disseminated and used to guide mental health interventions in secondary schools. Her dissertation evaluates the effectiveness of COMPASS in informing policies and programs, using the provincial implementation in Prince Edward Island as a case study.