The study of living organisms.

We're cultured.
Explore all aspects of life and living creatures — from cells and genes to species and diversity. Some of the greatest scientific discoveries have occurred within the field of biology, including the mapping of the human genome, identifying the structure of DNA, and how photosynthesis works. All of these revelations happened because dedicated scientists looked at the world a little differently.
On top of these game-changing discoveries, biologists work to better their instrumentation and the tools they use — think microscopes — giving way to interdisciplinary exploration that will shape our future.
Biology Ambassadors - We'd love to meet you!
This major is available in the co-op and regular stream of study
Bioinformatics Option
IT'S ALL IN THE CODE! You've decided that pursuing a degree in science makes sense for you - but what if you want something that takes you to the next level in DNA technologies? Our Bioinformatics Option might be what you're looking for. You'll learn how to take vast amounts of scientific and biological data that would take years to sort through manually, and process it in computational terms in just a matter of minutes. Talk to an academic advisor in second year to add this to your degree. This option is open to all Faculty of Science students.
Learn more
- Apply via Life Sciences on the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC).
- Biology is a recommended major for entry to our School of Pharmacy and our School of Optometry & Vision Science.
- Learn about our minors available to Faculty of Science students.
- Learn more about co-op.
- See more in the science careers list.

- Technical writing
- Organization and time management
- Laboratory methodologies and data analysis
- Team work
- Logical thinking