
3 students sitting at a table sitting at a table studying. Two are sharing a laptop.

We know paying for University is expensive! We offer a variety of price points to our students, and the fees are calibrated annually to key benchmarks such as local rental housing options, peer universities, our regional Consumer Price Index for shelter, and the provincial government’s rental increase guidelines for landlords.

Note that each term lasts roughly four months although your specific move-in/move-out dates will be outlined in your contract terms and conditions.The terms are - Fall (September to December), winter (January to April) and spring (May to August). 

Fees for the upcoming academic year are updated each February.

What's included in your fees:

  • Utilities (e.g., electricity, water, heat)

  • High-speed wireless internet
  • 24/7 maintenance support
  • Don support and mentorship for first-years
  • Technical support at the Residence IT Service Desk
  • Front desk assistance
  • Residence-specific amenities (e.g., games, movies, lounges, study spaces, e-sports area, meeting rooms)
  • Exclusive academic programming for first-years (Living-Learning communities, tutoring, leadership opportunities, and workshops)
  • Exclusive access to fitness, music, and multi-faith spaces

Traditional Style Residence fees: V1, REV, CMH (fall 2025 to spring 2026)

Traditional Style Residence fees (fall 2025 to spring 2026)

Traditional-style residences (dorm) require a meal plan per term in residence. Fees are in effect for the 2025/26 academic year (fall 2025 to spring 2026).

  Fee per term Total housing fees for 8 months Total housing fees for 8 months including mandatory meal plan (based on meal plan Traditional B below)
Village 1
Single Room $4,220 $8,440 $16,296
Interconnecting  $4,028 $8,056 $15,912
Double Room $3,786 $7,572 $15,428
Ron Eydt Village
Double Room $3,786 $7,572 $15,428
Claudette Millar Hall
Single Room $4,629 $9,258 $17,114
Semi-private double room $4,411 $8,822 $16,678

Traditional Meal plans:

These meal plans are available to students living in traditional style residences and are mandatory for students living in those buildings. Meal plan feesare set, owned, and operated by UW Food Services.

Meal Plan Name What do you pay per 4-month term Meal Plan Funds Flex Dollar Funds Overhead Deduction
Traditional A $4,496 $2,138  $100 $2238
Traditional B $3,928 $1,854 $100 $1854 
Traditional C $3,360 $1,620  $0 $1620 

Important information: The fixed overhead deduction is applied at the beginning of the term. The remaining amount is left in your residence meal plan account. The value of this deduction is added back in the form of a 50% reduction upon food purchase. All prices listed above are per term. *Includes a non-refundable $120 fee to support maintenance of dining facilities.

Flex dollars: Money that can be spent on items other than food (ex. Laundry Services). Money can be added to Flex allocation.

Suite Style Residence fees: MKV, UWP, MHR, CLV (fall 2025 to spring 2026)

Suite Style Residence fees (fall 2025 to spring 2026)

Suite-style apartment residences have optional meal plans as cooking facilities are provided. Fees are in effect for the 2025/26 academic year (fall 2025 to spring 2026).

  Fee per term Total housing fees for 8 months Total housing fees for 8 months including optional meal plan (based on meal plan Advantage B below)
Mackenzie King Village
Single Room $5,038 $10,076 $14,416
UW Place
Single room
(2-bedroom suite)
$4,552 $9,104 $13,444
Single room
(3- or 4-bedroom suite)
$4,309 $8,618 $12,958
Double room
(2-bedroom suite)
$3,976 $7,952 $12,292
Minota Hagey
Single Room $4,401 $8,802 $13,142
Columbia Lake Village
Single room
(4-bedroom suite in CLV- South)
$4,024 $8,048 $12,388

Single room
(in a 2-bedroom single grad townhouse in CLV-North)

Grads only

$4,024 $8,048 $12,388

2-bedroom suite (family townhouse in CLV - North)

Family housing only

 Monthly cost: $1,514

This pricing is for family housing only. 

Optional Meal plans:

These meal plans are available to students living in Suite-Style residences or off-campus. Meal plan feesare set, owned, and operated by UW Food Services.

Meal Plan Name What do you pay per 4-month term Meal Plan Funds Flex Dollar Funds Overhead Deduction Savings Capital Improvement Allotment*
Advantage A $2,690  $1,235  $100 $1,235  13% tax exemption $120
Advantage B $2,170  $1,995  $100 N/A 5% discount  $75
Advantage C $1,500  $1,425  $0 N/A N/A $75

Important information: Meal plan deductions, savings, and HST exemptions apply only to the term in which the meal plan was purchased. If a new plan is purchased in a future semester, any remaining funds on the account will also have the new plan’s benefits applied. The fixed overhead deduction is applied at the beginning of the term. The remaining amount is left in your residence meal plan account. All prices listed above are per term. *Includes a non-refundable fee (see above) to support maintenance of dining facilities.

Flex dollars: Money that can be spent on items other than food (ex. Laundry Services). Money can be added to Flex allocation.

Traditional Style Residence fees: V1, REV, CMH (fall 2024 to spring 2025)

Traditional Style Residence fees (fall 2024 to spring 2025)

Traditional-style residences (dorm) require a meal plan per term in residence. Fees are in effect for the 2024/25 academic year (fall 2024 to spring 2025).

  Fee per term Total housing fees for 8 months Total housing fees for 8 months including mandatory meal plan (based on average meal plan below)
Village 1
Single Room $3,872 $7,744 $14,474
Interconnecting  $3,695 $7,390 $14,120
Double Room $3,473 $6,946 $13,676
Ron Eydt Village
Double Room $3,473 $6,946 $13,676
Claudette Millar Hall
Single Room $4,247 $8,494 $15,224
Semi-private room $4,047 $8,094 $14,824

Traditional Meal plans:

These meal plans are available to students living in traditional style residences and are mandatory for students living in those buildings. Meal plan feesare set, owned, and operated by UW Food Services.

Meal Plan Name You pay per term Meal $ Flex $ Overhead
Lite $3,115* $1,510 $0 -$1,510
Average $3,365* $1,510 $250 -$1,510
Hearty $3,615* $1,510 $500 -$1,510

Important information: The fixed overhead deduction (-$1,510) is applied at the beginning of the term. The remaining amount is left in your residence meal plan account. The value of this deduction is added back in the form of a 50% reduction upon food purchase. All prices listed above are per term. *Includes a non-refundable $95 fee to support maintenance of dining facilities.

Flex dollars: Money that can be spent on items other than food (ex. Laundry Services). Money can be added to Flex allocation.

Suite Style Residence fees: MKV, UWP, MHR, CLV (fall 2024 to spring 2025)

Suite Style Residence fees (fall 2024 to spring 2025)

Suite-style apartment residences have optional meal plans as cooking facilities are provided. Fees are in effect for the 2024/25 academic year (fall 2024 to spring 2025).

  Fee per term Total housing fees for 8 months Total housing fees for 8 months including optional meal plan (based on Saver meal plan below)
Mackenzie King Village
Single Room $4,622 $9,244 $13,574
UW Place
Single room
(2-bedroom suite)
$4,176 $8,352 $12,682
Single room
(3- or 4-bedroom suite)
$3,953 $7,906 $12,236
Double room
(2-bedroom suite)
$3,648 $7,296 $11,626
Minota Hagey
Single Room $4,037 $8,074 $12,404
Columbia Lake Village
Single room
(4-bedroom suite in CLV- South)
$3,692 $7,384 $11,714

Single room
(in a 2-bedroom single grad townhouse in CLV-North)

Grads only

$3,692 $7,384 $11,714

2-bedroom suite (family townhouse in CLV - North)

Family housing only

 Monthly cost: $1,389

This pricing is for family housing only. 

Optional Meal plans:

These meal plans are available to students living in Suite-Style residences or off-campus. Meal plan feesare set, owned, and operated by UW Food Services.

Plan You pay per term Meal $ Flex $ Capital Improvement Allotment Discount
Casual $1,580 $1,330 $200 $50 5%
Saver $2,165 $1,915 $200 $50 5%
Super Saver $2,645 $2,395 $200 $50 13%

5-13% discount will be applied to most food purchases at UW Food Services locations.

Flex dollars: Money that can be spent on items other than food (ex. Laundry Services). Money can be added to Flex allocation.

Meal plan fees are set, owned, and operated by UW Food Services.