Psychology course outlines - Fall 2015

Course code Course title Instructor
PSYCH 101 001 (PDF) Introductory Psychology Paul Wehr
PSYCH 101 002 (PDF) Introductory Psychology Stephanie Denison
PSYCH 101-04 Introductory Psychology Toni Serafini (STJ)
PSYCH 101 005 (PDF) Introductory Psychology Richard Ennis
PSYCH 101 ONL (PDF) Introductory Psychology Paul Wehr
PSYCH 101R 001, 002, and 003 (PDF) Introductory Psychology Megan McCarthy and Crystal Tse (REN)
PSYCH 207 (PDF) Cognitive Processes Jenn Stolz
PSYCH 207 ONL (PDF) Cognitive Processes Jenn Stolz and Jonathan Fugelsang
PSYCH 211 (PDF) Developmental Psychology Kathleen Bloom
PSYCH 212R (PDF) Educational Psychology Emiko Yoshida (REN)
PSYCH 218 (PDF) Psychology of Death and Dying Chris Burris (STJ)
PSYCH 226R 001 and 002 (PDF) Positive Psychology Denise Marigold (REN)
PSYCH 230 (PDF) Psychology and Law John Rempel (STJ)
PSYCH 231 (PDF) Psychology of Religious Experience Chris Burris (STJ)
PSYCH 253 (PDF) Social Psychology Megan McCarthy
PSYCH 253 ONL (PDF) Social Psychology Steve Spencer
PSYCH 256 (PDF) Introduction to Cognitive Science Paul Thagard (PHIL)
PSYCH 257 (PDF) Psychopathology Allison Kelly
PSYCH 261 (PDF) Physiological Psychology Daniel Smilek
PSYCH 291 (PDF) Basic Research Methods Heather Henderson
PSYCH 306 (PDF) Perception Colin Ellard
PSYCH 307 (PDF) Human Neuropsychology James Danckert
PSYCH 312R (PDF) Learning Disabilities Carolyn Wilson (REN)
PSYCH 315 (PDF) Psychology of Adolescence Maureen Drysdale (STJ)
PSYCH 316 (PDF) Pragmatic Language Development Daniela O'Neill
PSYCH 318 (PDF) Psychosexual Organization BJ Rye (STJ)
PSYCH 320 (PDF) Language Development Katherine White
PSYCH 336 (PDF) Introduction to Clinical Psychology Pamela Seeds
PSYCH 338 (PDF) Organizational Psychology Doug Brown
PSYCH 340 (PDF) Training and Development John Michela
PSYCH 342 (PDF) Psychology of Groups and Teams Wendi Adair
PSYCH 354 (PDF) Interpersonal Relations John Rempel (STJ)
PSYCH 380 (PDF) History of Psychology Britt Anderson 
PSYCH 391 (PDF) Advanced Data Analysis Jonathan Fugelsang
PSYCH 393 001 and 002 (PDF) Research in Developmental Psychology Ori Friedman
PSYCH 395 001 (PDF) Research in Social Psychology Igor Grossman
PSYCH 395 002 (PDF) Research in Social Psychology Joanne Wood
PSYCH 395 003 (PDF) Research in Social Psychology Igor Grossman
PSYCH 397 001 (PDF) Research in Personality and Clinical Psychology Jonathan Oakman and Pamela Seeds
PSYCH 397 002 (PDF) Research in Personality and Clinical Psychology Jonathan Oakman and Pamela Seeds
PSYCH 399 (PDF) Research in Industrial/ Organizational Psychology Paul Wehr
PSYCH 447 (PDF) Seminar in Cognitive Science Paul Thagard (Philosophy)
PSYCH 451 (PDF) Child & Youth Psychology Maureen Drysdale (STJ)
PSYCH 453 (PDF) Honours Seminar: Developmental Psychology Daniela O'Neill
PSYCH 457 (PDF) Honours Seminar: Personality & Clinical Psychology Christine Purdon
PSYCH 458 (PDF) Honours Seminar in Cognition Evan Risko
PSYCH 461 (PDF) Honours Seminar in Cognitive Neuroscience Myra Fernandes
PSYCH 499A/B/C Honours Thesis Richard Eibach