
Learn to Run/Walk Mindfully. A self-guided mindful running and walking program to help you to keep physically and mentally healthy

This self-guided program offers students the opportunity to take a break, get outside, and run/walk using the basic principles of mindfulness (being present in a non-judgmental mindset). On this page you can access weekly mindful meditations to consider prior to each run/walk. All you have to do is set the time aside to do it!

On your own time.


Choose a location that suits you and what you are looking for in a walk/run.


Yourself, a friend, a pet.

What do I need?

Dress according to weather, running shoes, water bottle.

Weekly Reflections

About the Facilitator:

Melissa Zettel (she/her) is a Registered Social Worker (MSW) with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. She currently works as a Counsellor with the University of Waterloo within Campus Wellness. Melissa’s love for running started later in life. As someone who never considered herself to be athletic but saw the value in movement and exercise, she became curious about finding ways to build confidence in this area. Running became that avenue and has been a place where she has gained significant confidence in herself while also having the opportunity to connect with her body, thoughts and emotions in a new way. Running has also been a place Melissa has found peace and steadiness especially during periods of her life where those things have felt less evident. Melissa brings running into her life regularly and enjoys training for races. She has run 2 half marathons and one day hopes to train for a marathon.