Administrative structure

Administrative role Name
Director Raouf Boutaba
Associate Director Martin Karsten
Director of Undergraduate Studies Ondřej Lhoták
Director of Graduate Studies Khuzaima Daudjee
Director of Infrastructure Christopher Batty
Director of Women in Computer Science Jo Atlee
Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies Dave Tompkins
Associate Director of Graduate Studies Shane McIntosh
Chair of Computer Science Council Dan Vogel
Administrative Officer Lewis Fraser
Financial Officer Cathy Logan-Dickie
Undergraduate Studies Manager Shoshannah Holdom
Graduate Studies Supervisor Denise Shantz
Course-based Graduate Student Advisor Richard Trefler
Distinguished Lecture Series Coordinator Jesse Hoey
Graduate Advocates Urs Hengartner, Kate Larson
Undergraduate Academic Advisors Brad Lushman (lead advisor), Jeff Avery, Carmen Bruni, Jessica Leung, Nomair Naeem, Mark Petrick, Leili Rafiee Sevyeri, Adrian Reetz, Collin Roberts
Undergraduate Admissions Officer Jeff Avery
Undergraduate Exchange Programs Coordinator Collin Roberts

Please see the Constitution of the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science for more information about these administrative and executive roles.

Administrative role description

Director: The Director provides administrative and executive leadership for the School, as defined in University Policy #40.

Associate Director: The Associate Director assists the Director in carrying out the administrative tasks of the School. The specific division of responsibilities between the Director and Associate Director is left to the two persons who occupy these positions, subject to constraints imposed by University policy.

Director of Undergraduate Studies: The portfolio of the person who holds this position is the undergraduate program, spanning development of curriculum and policy and management of operations. This role includes assisting the School Director with undergraduate teaching assignments, managing the Instructional Support Group by serving as the direct manager of the Undergraduate Studies Manager, and undergraduate advising. While some tasks in this role can be delegated, particularly to the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, it is expected that policy and curricular development will not be delegated.

Director of Graduate Studies: The person in this position serves as the Graduate Officer, as defined in the University’s Graduate Calendar. This role includes maintenance and development of graduate curriculum, policy, and management of operations. The mandate also includes assisting the School Director with graduate teaching assignments, graduate admissions, graduate advising, and complaint resolution. While some tasks in this role can be delegated, particularly to the Associate Director of Graduate Studies, it is expected that policy, curricular development, and complaint resolution will not be delegated.

Director of Infrastructure: The Director of Infrastructure's portfolio is the instructional and research infrastructure of the School. This mandate includes managing the Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF) by being the direct manager of the CSCF Technical Managers, development of laboratory facilities, and development of information technology policies and practices for the School. While some tasks in this role can be delegated, it is expected that policy and oversight of the computing facility and its services will not be delegated.

Director of Women in Computer Science: ​This position provides leadership and direction for efforts to increase gender diversity in the School. This role includes outreach educational events, technical workshops, female-friendly learning environments and labs, community-building, and networking and mentoring activities for CS students who identify as female. This role also includes providing guidance on avoiding conscious and unconscious bias against women in School policies, procedures, and activities.

Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies: The person in this position assists the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the administrative tasks required for that role. In particular, the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies often takes responsibility for the assignment of teaching and hiring of sessional instructors.

Associate Director of Graduate Studies: The person in this position assists the Director of Graduate Studies in the administrative tasks required for that role. In particular, the Associate Director of Graduate Studies often takes responsibility for admission of new graduate students.

Chair of Computer Science Council: The person in this position ensures appropriate debate in Council meetings and maintains proper collegial governance standards.

Administrative Officer: The person in this position is accountable to the Director of the School for human resource administration, equipment and space management, statistical analysis, strategic planning, special projects, interaction with external bodies, liaison with the office of the Dean of Mathematics on administrative matters, and other administrative functions required to support teaching, learning and research in the School.

Financial Officer: Provides leadership and direction for the financial management and stability of the School. This involves fiscal accountability, participation in long- and short-term strategic planning for the School, review and resolution of financially related issues, establishment of and guidance on policies and procedures, and work on a variety of projects for the School.

Undergraduate Studies Manager: The person in this position reports to the Director of Undergraduate Studies and is responsible for day-to-day administration of undergraduate students and supervision of all instructional support and undergraduate operations staff, including the Instructional Support Group (ISG).

​Graduate Studies Supervisor: The person in this position reports to the Director of Graduate Studies and is responsible for day-to-day administration of graduate admissions, scholarships, enrolled students, and supervision of graduate studies staff.