Computer Science Website Feedback

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
What type of feedback would you like to provide? Select all that apply.
  • Typo or spelling/grammar error - text is incorrectly spelled or grammar is incorrectly used
  • Broken link / incorrect URL - there exists an active link/button to a Page Not Found or an entirely different webpage
  • Broken image / file - an image or file is not displaying as it should
  • Content error / discrepancy - information presented contradicts another webpage on this site or another University of Waterloo site
  • Mobile issue - a webpage does not translate well on a mobile device
  • Accessibility issue - a webpage is improperly setup for screen readers or other accessibility tools
  • Layout / formatting suggestion - a webpage can be reformatted or laid out to better present its contents 
Which best describes your relation to the School of Computer Science?
Please describe what brings you to our site today

If you would like to receive a followup on this form, please provide your email along with your feedback.

Note that if your request is time-sensitive, please contact an appropriate staff member for assistance.