Computer science specializations

What is a specialization?

Specializations (previously "options") are special designations attached to a specific degree. In Computer Science, we have seven different specializations that you can add to either your BCS or your BMath CS. Adding specializations is an option and not a requirement for you to graduate from either BCS or BMath CS. 

If you do decide to pursue a specialization, then you should should carefully review courses, their prerequisites, and when courses are offered to ensure that you are able to meet the requirements for the specialization in a timely manner. You may find the list of specific courses required for each specialization on our plan requirement checklists page (or the undergraduate calendar).

Note below that some specializations have limited capacity and may be competitive.

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Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Business, Human Computer Interaction, and Software Engineering

To add a specialization, complete a plan modification form and send the form to a CS advisor to sign off. You can add a specialization any time from when you start in CS until you are ready to graduate. However, we only recommend adding a specialization once you are committed to completing it and second year is usually a good time to declare your plans.

In some cases, there are courses needed for the specialization that requires you to take its prerequisites, but the prerequisite is not noted on the checklist. For this reason, you may be required to take more courses beyond what is noted on the checklist. Note that if you decide to take SE380 for the AI specialization, then you will be required to take MATH213 or its its noted prerequisites.

If you are in the AI specialization, please follow the specific instructions on how to get into an ECE, MTE, or SYDE course.

Computational Fine Arts

To enrol in the Computational Fine Arts specialization, you need to complete a first year art studio course (either FINE 100 or FINE 130). Complete a plan modification form and then bring it to a CS advisor to sign off.

Note, most FINE 3XX and 4XX courses are only available to Fine Arts major students. If you want to complete your Depth requirement with FINE courses, you may want to consider taking FINE/VCULT 101 (Winter), FINE 209 (Fall), and FINE 319 (Winter).

For more information on FINE courses, their prerequisites, and their availability, then please contact the Fine Arts Advisor: Brett Roberts.

Digital Hardware

If you want to add the Digital Hardware specialization (DH), then you will need to apply during your 1A term in the Fall and have a minimum cumulative average of 75%. Enrolment is limited and competitive. 

Due to the rigid nature of DH, we recommend that students preview the suggested course sequences for the specialization as some courses not offered every term.