Computer Science (BCS & BMath)

As a Computer Science major student (BCS or BMath), you have the opportunity to build a strong foundation in computer science and math. This page will guide you through your academic journey as a CS student. It includes information specific to your program, its requirements and how to enhance your degree with specializations.

Computer Science: BCS vs BMath

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As a CS major student, you can easily change your program from BCS to BMath CS (and vice versa); both are excellent degrees. Choosing BCS or BMath CS is based on how you see your future unfold, which depends on your interests and the courses you decide to take.

This table highlights the difference in program requirements:

Courses BCS BMath CS
Computer Science

15 CS courses required (two from CS 340-398; 440-489)

15 CS courses required (must take CS 360/365 and CS 370/371

Math 7 math courses 12 math courses (requires Math 235, Math 237, and 3 other math courses)
Non-Math Electives 10 non-math electives 10 non-math electives
Electives 8 electives 3 electives

Can not be combined with other Math major programs

More flexible

Can be combined with other Math majors programs

Provides a stronger background in Math

If you'd like to have the flexibility of combining CS with another area of study (for example, by taking one or two minors) or you'd like to broaden your knowledge by taking courses in interesting subject areas, consider a BCS. With a BCS degree, you also have the freedom to take extra CS courses to increase your CS knowledge even more. If you believe your future will include lots of math (graphics of any sort, crunching numbers, probability, stats, etc.) or grad school in a wide range of subject areas, then consider a BMath CS degree.

To switch from BCS to BMath CS and vice versa, complete and submit a Math plan modification form to a CS Advisor for approval.

Degree Requirements

To graduate with a BCS or BMath in Computer Science, or a BCS in Data Science, students must compete the following:

  1. Complete the degree requirements as outlined in the relevant Undergraduate Calendar, including
  2. Review the graduation checklist and apply to graduate,

The official degree requirements are in the University Calendar, but there are handy CS checklists that you can use linked below, which summarizes your requirements. Please refer to the Co-op Math Advisors for more information on co-op requirements.

How can I add a specialization, minor, joint, or double major to my CS degree?

To add a specialization, minor, joint or double major program in Math to your CS degree, you'll need to fill out a Math plan modification form. You must have the advisor from each department/school sign off on the form. Note that you must be in the BMath CS program to add a second Math major. 

If the option, minor, joint program is not offered by the Faculty of Math, then you will need to complete the Registrar's plan modification form. You must have the advisor from each department/school sign off on the form.