On this Page: |
MMath | MMath Co-op | PhD |
Teaching Assistantship (TA) | Funding | Scholarships |
Important Dates
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Helpful Links |
When are.. (Important Dates) | Please review our important dates page for further details on any important upcoming periods. | Important dates |
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Helpful Links |
How do I transfer credits? |
Email your Graduate Coordinator and the CS Graduate Director with the 1-2 courses you want to transfer, along with your transcript and course descriptions. The CS Graduate Director will review the courses for approval. Transfer credits must be "unused" credits, i.e., they must not have been credited towards an earlier acquired degree or other academic credential. Transfer credits must be specified in writing at the time of departmental recommendation for admission. A minimum of 70% (University of Waterloo converted grade) is required for transfer credit. |
I need a letter; how can I get one? |
All letters are provided by The Centre. If The Centre requires confirmation from your Graduate Coordinator, please send an email clearly stating the details needed and ‘CC’ The Centre. |
Official Documents - The Centre |
How can I apply for conference funding? |
To apply for Graduate Conference Funding from the CS Department please submit the PDF application to your Graduate Coordinator. Found here under 'other'. Conference funding applications must be recieved at least a week before the conference start date. Please note that the School of Computer Science can match your supervisor’s contributions up to $750. Please ensure sections 1-5 are complete before submitting the application. A week before your travel date, your Graduate Coordinator will contact you with details on how to obtain your reimbursement. GSPA provides $500 per student per fiscal year (April 30 – May 1) for conference funding through a separate award. To apply for the GSPA funding you must apply for the Graduate Student Research Dissemination Award (GSRDA). If your application is approved, the award will be added to your Quest account before the conference. If you have any questions about this award, please contact Laura Frazee. |
MMath Forms |
MMath Co-op
Interested in switching into our Co-op option? We recommend reaching out and beginning the process two weeks before the start of the next/desired term to enable you to have access to the first job postings available. Note: If you switch within the first few weeks of new the term, you may miss access to the first cycle of job postings due to processing times.
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Helpful Links |
What should I know before adding the co-op option? |
What are the requirements I need to complete before starting my first co-op work-term? |
MMath Co-op Option |
What term can I apply for co-op? | MMath students can apply for the co-op option in their first, second, and third terms. Anything past this is not allowed as it will exceed the program time limits. Please refer to the co-op option page for more information about opting into the co-op program. | |
What steps do I need to take to add the co-op option as a Computer Science Master's student? |
To apply to the co-op program, you will need to fill out a program plan change form and sequence change form. These forms get sent to your graduate coordinator with your supervisor’s signature (if applicable). Along with these forms, to add the co-op option, students must:
Please review the MMath Co-op Option page so you are aware of all the requirements for the program. |
What specific steps do international students need to take to add the co-op option and be eligible to complete a work term? |
International students must apply for a work permit. We advise students to consult with Student Success Office for questions regarding work permits. Please refer to the co-op option page for more information. |
MMath Co-op Option |
When am I required to submit my co-op work term report and who do I submit my co-op work term report to? | 30 days after finishing your final work term, you are required to submit one co-op work term report along with the MMath Co-op Credit to your graduate coordinator. | MMath Co-op Option |
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Helpful Links |
How do I transfer credits? |
Email your Graduate Coordinator and the CS Graduate Director with the 1-2 courses you want to transfer, along with your transcript and course descriptions. The CS Graduate Director will review the courses for approval. |
Transfer Academic Credit |
I need a letter; how can I get one? | All letters are provided by The Centre. If The Centre requires confirmation from your Graduate Coordinator, please send an email clearly stating the details needed and ‘CC’ The Centre. | Official Documents - The Centre |
Can I use my Master's courses to count toward my PhD course requirements? |
You are permitted to carry over any extra courses from your MMath program at UWaterloo. Please note for a course to be considered extra it must not have been used toward another degree and must be noted as ‘extra to degree’ on your transcript. Please inform your Graduate Coordinator that you have extra courses that you want used toward your PhD course requirements. If you are looking to transfer extra courses from another institution, please follow the transfer credit process. |
Transfer Credits |
What is the difference between PhD course requirements and the Comprehensive I requirement? |
Course requirements are courses to be taken during your PhD. PhD admitted from a Master’s degree are required to take:
PhD admitted from Bachelor’s degree are required to take:
Students are permitted to carry over any extra courses from their MMath program at Waterloo. The comprehensive I is a separate breadth requirement. A student must have at least 1 advanced course in 6 of the eleven areas, including at least 1 from each category. In your first term, you must submit the comprehensive I form to your Graduate Coordinator outlining your plan to complete the breadth requirement. Your plan will then be approved by the Graduate Director. If you are past your 1st term and haven’t submitted this form, please do so immediately. On the form you can note advanced undergraduate courses (400+ level), courses taken at the master’s level and any courses planned to be taken during your PhD. If you want to include courses taken outside of UWaterloo please include:
Please compile all course documents in order of occurrence on the form into one PDF file with the comprehensive I form as the first page and submit it to your Graduate Coordinator via email. After your plan has been approved and you have received all of the final grades for courses noted on the comprehensive I form – inform your Graduate Coordinator who can then award you the milestone. |
Comprehensive I form can be found under 'milestones' |
How is the PhD internship program different from the regular PhD program? |
If you are enrolled in the PhD internship program, you must complete at least one internship term and submit an internship report when the work term is completed. The work report should:
Please let your Graduate Coordinator know when you have completed all the internship terms you desire, and they will be able to award you the milestone. |
PhD Program Overview |
How do I switch into the PhD internship program? |
This program is designed for International students. Please reach out to your Graduate Coordinator if you are a domestic student wanting to complete an internship. To begin the process please submit a Program Plan Change form and state you are changing your program to PhD Internship. Obtain the appropriate signatures from your supervisor and submit the form to your Graduate Coordinator for processing. Then when you are about to go on a work term you would submit a Change of Enrollment form to your Coordinator and select full-time off campus. |
More information on PhD internship |
How can I apply for conference funding? |
To apply for Graduate Conference Funding from the CS Department please submit the PDF application to your Graduate Coordinator. Found here under 'other'. Conference funding applications must be recieved at least a week before the conference start date. Please note that the School of Computer Science can match your supervisor’s contributions up to $750. Please ensure sections 1-5 are complete before submitting the application. A week before your travel date, your Graduate Coordinator will contact you with details on how to obtain your reimbursement. |
Teaching Assistantship (TA)
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If I am over TA eligibility, is it likely I'll get a TA? | Yes and no, the way we choose over eligible (OE) students is based on experience of what courses are left. |
Can I TA if I am a part-time student? | No, you must be a full-time student to be assigned a TA. |
If I request to TA a certain course, is it guaranteed that I'll be assigned that course? | No, we try out best to accommodate preferences, however, it is all depending on what courses are being taught and how many TA that course can have. |
What is TA pay? | Your TA pays $4,380 before taxes per term. |
Can I do two doubles in a row? | No, ideally, we don’t have students doing 2 double TA in a row. |
If I do a double TA, will I receive both double Graduate Research Studentship and TA pay? | No, you will only receive double TA pay, but your Graduate Research Studentship (GRS) will be lower than it would be for 1 TA. |
Can I TA remotely? | No, the expectation is that you're in the country and on-campus when completing a TA. |
What happens if I decline a TA? | Your 'decline' will be counted as 1 TA unit towards your total entitlement. |
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I'm a Domestic Student who is doing their Master's degree, what is my Graduate Research Studentship funding? | Your funding will be $4,000 when doing a single TA unit, and $1,000 when doing a double TA unit. |
I'm an International Student who is doing their Master's degree, what is my Graduate Research Studentship funding? | Your funding will be $6,804 when doing a single TA unit, and $2,655 when doing a double TA unit. |
I'm a Domestic Student doing their PhD, what is my Graduate Research Studentship funding? | Your funding will be $3,439 when doing a single TA unit, and $1,000 when doing a double TA unit. |
I'm an International Student who is doing their PhD, what is my Graduate Research Studentship funding? | Your funding will be $5,982 when doing a single TA unit, and $1,833 when doing a double TA unit. |
When will I receive my Graduate Research Studentship funding and how is it disbursed? | Your Graduate Research Studentship funding will be disbursed to you as a lump sum at the beginning of the term (unless there are delays with getting authorization). |
When will I receive my TA pay and is it bi-weekly? | Your TA pay will be disbursed to you monthly, at the end of each month. |
What happens to my funding if I switch to part-time studies? | If you switch from full-time to part-time, you will no longer recieve Graduate Research Studentship funding. |
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If you have any questions regarding your IMAE: | Please reach out to Makenna Ryder |
If you have any questions regarding your IDSA: | Please reach out to Grad Payment Students and Awards. |