MMath Thesis Presentation

Please complete the following form to request to give a master’s thesis presentation.

This information is also used to ensure that your master’s thesis presentation is posted on the CS website as well as announced to the Cheriton School of Computer Science through the weekly SCS Newsletter. 

If you are presenting in person: If you wish to give your master’s thesis presentation in person, please email first to book a suitable room. Indicate the purpose for the booking, as well as the date, time and number of people expected to attend. When you have the room booking confirmed, please include that information in the online form below.

If you are presenting virtually: Please include the full link and passcode for the video presentation platform you will be using. If you do not have the video presentation platform link available when you submit your request to present, please send it to Joe Petrik by email as soon as it is available. 

Creating a Zoom link for your presentation
Graduate students or their supervisors can generate a Zoom link for their master’s thesis presentation using the university’s Zoom account. Once on that page, click on Sign In. You will require two-factor authentication to log in. After you have logged in successfully, schedule a date and time for your Zoom meeting, then copy the Zoom link AND passcode into the appropriate fields below.

Please note: When your master’s thesis presentation is posted on the CS website, the embedded password (i.e., the bit of the Zoom URL that begins with ?pwd=) will be deleted to thwart videobombers, who have in the past disrupted presentations.

If the embedded password is deleted from the Zoom link people will need the passcode to attend your presentation. This is why we need the passcode as well as the URL. The Zoom passcode will be announced internally within the School of Computer Science in the weekly SCS newsletter. It will not be posted publicly unless you specify otherwise. 

MMath Option
Provide first and last name of your supervisor
Research Area
Note: Please ensure that you have booked a room before completing and submitting this form. If you are giving your presentation virtually, leave this field blank.

Please provide the passcode for your presentation. Note that the passcode will be announced internally within the School of Computer Science in the weekly SCS Newsletter. It will not be posted publicly unless you specify otherwise.

If your video presentation platform does NOT require a passcode, please enter NA — i.e., not applicable.
