MMath Quantum Information

The MMath Quantum Information is an interdisciplinary master's degree program in collaboration with the Institute for Quantum Computing, and departments in the Faculties of Mathematics, Engineering and Science. 

Requirements for the MMath (Quantum Information) program include coursework and a master's thesis and presentation in Quantum Information.  

Required coursework

Coursework must satisfy the requirements for both the MMath in Computer Science in addition to the specific requirements for the Quantum Information program.

1. Two core Quantum Information courses:

  • QIC 710 or CS 768 Quantum Information Processing
  • QIC 750 Implementation of Quantum Information Processing

2.  Four graduate courses in Computer Science:

  • at least one course at 800-level
  • at most one course at 600-level
  • no more than two courses in one area

Note: QIC 710/CS 768 can count toward both the Quantum Information and Computer Science requirements. The minimum number of courses required to satisfy both program requirements would therefore be five.