Distinguished Lecture Series videos

Distinguished Lecture Series

The Cheriton School of Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series at the University of Waterloo annually showcases a handful of outstanding thinkers in the field of computer science, giving them a forum to present their views and ideas to students, faculty, and the interested public.

Watch previous Distinguished Lectures on YouTube

Vinton G. Cerf • June 19, 2024
The Border and its Demystification

Vinton G. Cerf • June 11, 2024
Internet: Past, Present and Future

Adam Smith • April 30, 2024
Privacy, Learning, and Inference

Sanjeev Khanna • April 5, 2024
The Sublinear Lens and the Matching Problem

Earl T. Barr • July 20, 2023
Leveraging Dual Channel Constraints to Speed Program Repair

Sharad Goel • May 9, 2023
Included-variable Bias and Everything but the Kitchen Sink

Tanya Berger-Wolf • April 24, 2023
Imageomics: Images as the Source of Information about Life

Tim Roughgarden • March 1, 2023
The Long Arm of Theoretical Computer Science: A Case Study in Blockchains/Web3

Sheila McIlraith • January 11, 2023
Reward Machines: Formal Languages and Automata for Reinforcement Learning

Pascal Van Hentenryck • November 15, 2022
Fusing AI and Optimization

Tony Chan • June 15, 2022
A Personal and Historical View of Computational Mathematics

Kai Li • May 25, 2022
Machine Learning Meets System Designs: Experience with Designing Learned Cache Systems

Milind Tambe • February 15, 2022
AI for Social Impact: Results from Deployments for Public Health and Conservation

Karl J. Friston • November 4, 2021
Active Inference

Raquel Urtasun • October 7, 2021
An AI-first Approach to Self-driving

Leonard Kleinrock • May 17, 2021
Origins of the Internet

Laurie Williams • April 9, 2021
Solving Software Security Challenges with Artificial Intelligence

Mary Czerwinski • January 14, 2021
Using Technology for Health, Wellbeing and Empathy

Oren Etzioni • November 5, 2020
Semantic Scholar, NLP, and the Fight Against COVID-19

Moshe Vardi • September 24, 2020
An Ethical Crisis in Computing?

Barbara Listkov • June 13, 2019
Multicore Programming
(Barbara Liskov's lecture begins at 6:00 and runs until 42:30)

Shafi Goldwasser • June 13, 2019
Cryptography for Safe Machine Learning
(Shafi Goldwasser's lecture begins at 46:30 and runs until 1:42:25)

Margo Seltzer • May 7, 2019
Systems Research — Construed Broadly

Vitalik Buterin • March 25, 2019
Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains: Combining Mechanism Design and Computation

Donald Knuth • October 31, 2018
All Questions Answered

Joe Mitchell • May 23, 2018
Fun with Geometric Optimization: Visitation, Visibility, and Variations

Jennifer Widom • March 26, 2018
Magic Moments in Research and Teaching

Jeff Ullman • October 30, 2017
Data Science: Is it Real?

James Demmel • October 12, 2017
Algorithms for Linear Algebra and Beyond

Silvio Micali • June 13, 2017
ALGORAND, A New Public Ledger

Eric Horvitz • April 28, 2017
The One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence: An Enduring Study on AI and its Influence on People and Society

Eric Horvitz • April 27, 2017
Data, Predictions and Decisions in Support of People and Society

Daniel Alan Spielman • March 23, 2017
The Laplacian Matrices of Graphs: Algorithms and Applications

Ophir Frieder • October 20, 2016
Searching in Harsh Environments 

Gail Murphy • October 4, 2016
Human-Centric Software Development Tools

Tony Chan • October 7, 2015
Image Processing and Computational Mathematics

Mike Stonebraker • September 14, 2015
The Land Sharks are on the Squawk Box (How Riding a Bicycle across America and Building Postgres Have a Lot in Common)

Leslie Pack Kaelbling • February 5, 2015
Making Robots Behave

Deborah Estrin • June 23, 2014
Small, n=me, data

Maria Klawe • November 8, 2013
From 10% to 40% Female CS Majors: The Harvey Mudd College Story

Frans Kaashoek • June 11, 2013
The Multicore Evolution and Operating Systems

Jennifer Chayes • November 14, 2012
The Power of Locality for Network Algorithms

Hector Levesque • November 7, 2012
Two Thoughts on the Turing Test

Ed Lazowska • October 13, 2011
Computer Science: Past, Present, and Future

Saul Greenberg • September 21, 2011
Proxemic Interactions: the New Ubicomp

Madhu Sudan • October 14, 2010
Towards Universal Semantic Communication

Eric Brewer • September 17, 2008
Technology Research for Developing Regions

Anne Condon • November 19, 2008
Computational Challenges and Opportunities in RNA Secondary Structure Prediction