2011 Cheriton research symposium

Friday, September 23, 2011 10:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

The Cheriton School of Computer Science will hold its annual Cheriton Symposium September 23rd in the Davis Centre. This year's symposium will consist of talks by Faculty Fellowship recipients, Therese Biedl and Robin Cohen from 10:00 am to noon in DC 1302. Posters by Cheriton Graduate Student Scholarship recipients will be on display in the Great Hall, Davis Centre starting at 11:00 am to 5 pm.


Time Description


DC 1302 - David Taylor - Welcome and opening remarks


DC 1302 - Therese Biedl - Creating Cartograms

Abstract: A cartogram is a deformation of a map as to satisfy area constraints on the countries/faces. This has applications in visualization,VLSI design and floorplanning. In this talk, we will survey results on creating cartograms, with a focus on what complexities are required for various styles of cartograms, and whether they can be achieved.


DC 1302 - Robin Cohen - Issues of Trust and Incentives to Honesty in Intelligent Agent Environments

Abstract: In this talk, we present a collection of recent research on the topic of promoting trustworthy behaviour from agents in multiagent systems. The scenarios that we examine include the sharing of reputation ratings in electronic marketplaces, exchanging an evaluation of agent behaviour in environments where agents are migrating from community to community, allowing for real-time sharing of information with other agents who are not well-known and acquiring the most effective reports from social communities by ensuring that messages received are credible. Our view is that the sharing of information between agents in multiagent systems is a critical area where knowledge-intensive interaction arises and that the modeling of trustworthiness and incentives for honesty together assist in promoting the peaceful co-existsnce of agents within these systems. From here, we proceed to present some recent research on detecting collusion in multiagent systems, as a reminder of existing challenges to trust modeling that still remain.


Lunch in DC 1301


DC Great Hall - Poster Session

Other years' symposiums