Master’s Research Paper Presentation • Data Systems • An Overview and Introduction to ARM, an Abstract Relational Model

Monday, July 24, 2023 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Please note: This master’s research paper presentation will take place online.

Steph McIntyre, Master’s candidate
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science

Supervisors: Professors David Toman, Grant Weddell

We introduce an extension of RM, the relational model of data, called ARM, the abstract relational model of data. ARM extends RM by adding a new abstract domain of entity identifiers to the values such as integers or strings that are defined by the various concrete domains of RM. Agents communicate with an ARM database in a language called SQLP, in turn an extension of SQL in which terms can express unary foreign key joins by attribute navigation. This feature makes SQLP queries independent of vertical partitioning of ARM tables.

The semantics of an ARM schema corresponds to labelled directed graphs called RGB graphs that integrate both relational and graphical perspectives. We provide a walkthrough on how to go from ER diagrams to ARM Schema to the creation of RGB graphs from a sample database instance. We then create sample queries with the ARM relational algebra and present their SQLP counterparts. Lastly, we touch upon integrity constraints and inferring additional constraints from previously known constraints via logical consequence.