Seminar • Algorithms and Complexity • New Techniques for Convex Optimization and Sparsification

Monday, February 5, 2024 10:30 am - 11:30 am EST (GMT -05:00)

Please note: This seminar will take place in DC 1304.

Arun Jambulapati, Postdoctoral Researcher
Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan

The computational challenges posed by recent massive datasets motivate the design of more efficient algorithms. My work takes problems motivated by modern machine learning and develops theoretical tools to answer two central questions: 1) how can we learn from data faster, and 2) how can we select representative data (to potentially speed up downstream processing).
I will first present several results on faster convex optimization leveraging a new theoretical primitive called a “ball optimization oracle”. I will give near-optimal algorithms for minimizing convex functions assuming access to this oracle and show how this framework can be applied to yield faster algorithms for important problems in computer science such as regression, differentially private optimization, and robust optimization.
I will follow with results on problems motivated by dataset compression. Leveraging techniques from high-dimensional geometry, I give near-optimal constructions of sparsifiers for sums of norms and generalized linear models. This directly implies new sparsifiers for hypergraphs, sums of symmetric submodular functions, and gives faster algorithms for linear regression.

Bio: Arun Jambulapati is a postdoc at the University of Michigan working with Thatchaphol Saranurak and Nikhil Bansal. Previously, he was a Simons Research Fellow and a postdoc at the University of Washington; he completed his Ph.D from Stanford in 2022.

His primary research interests are in the design of fast algorithms and sparsification. His work has been supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and a Stanford Graduate Research Fellowship.