Seminar • Functional Programming • How to Build a Distributed System with Real-time Constraints using Concurrent Functional Programming Tools

Wednesday, September 13, 2023 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Please note: This seminar will take place online.

Armando Santos
Well-Typed/Haskell Consultants

Building complex distributed systems with real-time constraints is challenging; when they are intended to be run by end users in an adversarial environment with no central control it becomes especially challenging! These constraints make off-the-shelf solutions inappropriate, particularly when the only reliable assumption is that only half of the network's nodes are 'honest', which makes creating a robust system extremely difficult. To accomplish this, we exploit the finest of what Strongly Statically Typed Purely Functional Programming has to offer. Type-safeness, referential transparency, compositionality, explicit control of effects, STM, and clever testing approaches are among the concepts and tools in our repertoire for managing complexity and ensuring the continuous operation of a distributed network.

This presentation will highlight some of the important items the IOG networking team is working on and where we believe we are succeeding.

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