Cheriton and Graduate Excellence Award winners for spring 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013
The David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science is pleased to announce, on behalf of the Graduate Committee's Scholarship Sub-committee, the winners of the very selective Type 1 David R. Cheriton Graduate Scholarship Awards for Spring 2013.   
Cheriton Award Winners
Student Supervisor
Oleksii Kononenko Mike Godfrey
Ansis Rosmanis John Watrous
Jim Summers Tim Brecht
Jalaj Upadhyay Doug Stinson
Award winners typically receive $10,000 a year for two years and represent our top students judged on the basis of scholastic excellence.  This term's winners have excellent research proposals, have demonstrated good progress towards their Comp 1 and Comp 2 milestones, have obtained uniformly high grades in their graduate courses, and have established a pattern of excellence both in terms of publication quality and publication venues, all backed up by exceptionally strong letters of reference.
In addition, the following students will be awarded a one-time Graduate Excellence Scholarship in Computer Science in the amount of $5,000. The Graduate Excellence Award in Computer Science, valued at $5,000 per year, is a new scholarship that will be awarded to doctoral students registered full time in the School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. Applicants for the Cheriton scholarship are automatically considered for this award.
Graduate Excellence Award Winners
Student Supervisor
Xu Chu Ihab Ilyas
Tariq Elahi Ian Goldberg