The Murray Martin Prize, valued at $5,000, is presented annually to a graduate student enrolled in the Faculty of Mathematics who has authored or co-authored an outstanding research paper as of January 31 each year. This fund is made possible by a donation from Pitney Bowes Inc. to honour Dr. Murray Martin, their retired chair, president, CEO and director, whose continuous investment in research and development has ensured its industry leadership.
In a letter of support, supervisor and nominator Reid Holmes stated that in the time he has known Inozemtseva, “she has continually impressed me with her technical aptitude, research intuition and communication abilities. Her research into the practical impact of test suite coverage is both academically innovative and industrially salient…Laura has demonstrated excellent research aptitude and I strongly believe that she embodies the ideal candidate for the Murray Martin Prize.”
In addition to this award winning paper, Inozemtseva has also been awarded an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for her work on “Are Mutants a Valid Substitute for Real Faults in Software Testing?" at the 22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering.
The award will be recognized at the spring 2015 convocation.