Results of Waterloo-local ACM-style programming contest

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
A special results bulletin from ACM competition coach Ondřej Lhok.
The fall Waterloo-local ACM-style programming contest was held this past
Sunday, September 27. This term, we had a huge turnout of about 100 competitors, with 81 submitting at least one solution.
The winner of the contest was Andy Huang, 3A CS. Runners-up Antonio Molina Lovett, Jacob Jackson, Timothy Li, and David Choi also solved all
five problems. Complete results can be found at: contest scoreboard.
Troy Vasiga and I are in the process of selecting the teams that will represent Waterloo in the international ACM competition.
I would like to thank Wish for sponsoring ACM-contest-related activities
at Waterloo.
I am deeply grateful to Edward Chrzanowski and Gordon Cormack who jumped in to help on short notice when I was overwhelmed by the unexpected number of competitors.
The contestants enjoyed a challenging and error-free problem set thanks primarily to contributions from Lap Chi Lau, Volodymyr Lyubinets, Geoffry Song, and Troy Vasiga.
I would also like to thank Anthony Brennan, Deon Nicholas, and Ingrid Town for helping in other ways.
Finally, thank you to the contestants for participating, and for their patience and understanding of the glitches that arose because I did not anticipate such a large turnout.