Johnny Wong and colleagues receive most influential paper award for work presented 10 years ago at CASCON 2009

Friday, November 8, 2019

Distinguished Professor Emeritus Johnny Wong, his former master’s student Ye Hu, and colleagues Marin Litoiu from York University and Gabriel Iszlai have received the most influential paper award for research they presented 10 years ago at CASCON 2009, the 19thannual IBM Centre for Advanced Studies Conference.

photo of Distinguished Professor Emeritus Johnny Wong
Titled Resource Provisioning for Cloud Computing, their paper, which has been cited 180 times to date, explored how resources in cloud computing infrastructures can be allocated across a mix of applications such that the service level agreements of all applications are met. 

“We are very pleased to let you know that your paper, ‘Resource Provisioning for Cloud Computing,’ was selected as the Most Influential Paper among all the papers accepted and presented 10 years ago at CASCON 2009,” wrote Kostas Kontogiannis and Robert Enenkel, CASCON x EVOKE 2019 Program Chairs, in their letter to Professor Wong. “Congratulations for your outstanding work!”

Static resource allocation based on peak demand is not a cost-effective strategy because during off-peak times computing resources are not used efficiently. In contrast, autonomic resource management could use resources efficiently as well as a respond quickly when workloads change. To this end, Professor Wong and his team examined resource allocation strategies relevant to autonomic resource management.

“Congratulations to Johnny and his colleagues for winning the 2019 CASCON Most Influential Paper Award,” said Mark Giesbrecht, Director of the Cheriton School of Computer Science. 

“These awards reflect what has been truly transformative in computer science research over time. Johnny’s team provided critical insight into the performance of autonomic resource allocation strategies and job scheduling disciplines for cloud computing infrastructures. Their contribution was to develop an efficient and effective algorithm to determine the allocation strategy that results in fewest number of servers needed to meet the service level agreements of the applications running on them.”

The Most Influential Paper Award was presented to Distinguished Professor Emeritus Wong at the CASCON x EVOKE 2019 Gala Awards Reception on Tuesday, November 5, 2019.

To learn more about this research, please see Ye Hu, Johnny Wong, Gabriel Iszlai, and Marin Litoiu, Resource Provisioning for Cloud Computing, In: Proceedings of the 2009 Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, November 2009.