instructors, staff, graduate students, and post-doctoral candidates participated in CTE programs and services

people attended 138 workshops (total participation = 1622 workshop completions)
graduate students completed a CTE certificate program
140 graduate students completed the Fundamentals of University Teaching
28 PhD students completed the Certificate in University Teaching

Teaching and learning conference
The University of Waterloo's 14th annual Teaching and Learning Conference focused on the theme of Teaching with Care and Kindness this year.
people attended the Teaching and Learning Conference
401 attendees from the University of Waterloo
83 external attendees spanning 5 countries and 35 institutions
9 pre-conference workshops, 65 sessions, 7 posters, and 9 showcases

consultation requests from 982 instructors, graduate students, and staff members
events and consultations on curriculum development held for 42 departments
custom workshops and events attended by 1010 participants

Contributions by CTE staff
unique committees served by 6 staff members
- 9 staff members delivered peer-reviewed conference presentations
- 6 staff members contributed to 32 unique committees
- 6 staff members served as editors or reviewers to 11 unique journals, conferences and grant programs
- 4 staff members published in peer-reviewed journals
- 3 invited presentations and workshops given by CTE staff members at other institutions
2.04 M
views of CTE's website this year
958 Facebook followers, 950 Instagram followers, and 936 Twitter (X) followers
Text-based resources (new in 2022-2023)
Video-based resources (new in 2022-2023)
- Universal Design and Accessibility
- From Remote to Flipped: Two-Day Course Redesign Workshop
- Back to In-Person Learning: Tips for Instructors
- Course Design Essentials: Intended Learning Outcomes
- Course Design Essentials: Course Concepts
- Accessibility and Extended Reality
- Collaborating with Academic Support Units: Partnerships in Pedagogy, Praxis, and Research to Support Online, Experiential, and Place-Based Learning
- Student-Led Individually-Created Courses and the Importance of Reflecting in Community
- Considerations for Implementing and Assessing Student-Led Individually-Created Courses Part 1
- Considerations for Implementing and Assessing Student-Led Individually-Created Courses Part 2
- Sustainability-Themed Assessment Showcase
- Using PebblePad to Support Individual Reflection and Personal Learning in a Group Project in a Capstone Course
- Using PebblePad in Academic Support Units
- Examples of PebblePad Use at the University of Waterloo
- Using PebblePad Feedback Templates and Reports to Facilitate Peer Review
- Using a PebblePad Workbook to Track and Showcase Growth and Development on Cooperative Education Work Term
- Student Well-being, Belonging, Success, and Employability: PebblePad Showcase Event