Grant Recipients
Steve Lambert, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Ada Hurst, Management Sciences
Chris Rennick, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
(Project timeline: May 2020 - April 2021)
- This project will help Faculty of Engineering faculty and staff to establish the Canadian Design Workshop (CDW), a small conference that took place in July of 2020. The CDW is a network of Canadian engineering design educators and researchers to share experiences and current research.
Areas Investigated
- Evaluating the effectiveness of the inaugural Canadian Design Workshop (CDW) at achieving its stated goals.
- Describing the current design education landscape in Canada, as evidenced by presentations and discussions at the CDW.
- CDW attendees indicated that they wish to engage in more conversations surround diversity and inclusion, and how to embed the idea of designing within a larger socio-technical society in engineering education, among other areas of exploration.
- The first edition of CDW built and strengthened networks for future engineering collaboration. Attendee feedback for the workshop was positive.
- Common themes found within the workshop were:
- Instruction of design in the middle years of engineering programs.
- The need to overcome challenges to implementing more design instruction and creative approaches.
- Sustainability, transdisciplinary, hackathon, design studio cloud CAD, and reflection.
Survey Question Responses
“What did you learn at CDW1” Responses include:
“Were there any takeaways from CDW1 that you have implemented (or plan to implement) in your design instruction and/or research? If so, what were they? How has your instruction and/or research changed?” Responses include:
Dissemination and Impact
- An overview of the workshop was presented at the Clive L. Dym Mudd Design Workshop XII, held virtually on May 27-29, 2021. The presentation was titled “Overview of the inaugural Canadian Design Workshop (CDW1): from Vision to Evaluation”, and was presented by Meagan Flus.
- Outcomes of the CDW were also summarized at a workshop held at the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Annual Conference, held virtually on June 20-23, 2021. The workshop was titled “Sustaining a network of design education practice and research in Canada” and held jointly with the Design Education SIG of CEEA.