For our 10th annual Teaching and Learning Conference: Motivating Our Students and Ourselves, we invite you to submit proposals for presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and poster presentations that share your practices and research related to motivating deep learning in students and motivating ourselves as instructors. For more information about the Conference and to submit a proposal, please visit the Teaching and Learning Conference website.
Proposal deadline: Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Conference date: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Over 300 faculty members, staff members, and students gathered for an enriching and exciting day for our 2017 conference. We hope that you and your colleagues will join us next year as Dr. Joe Kim, Associate Professor in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour at McMaster University and recipient of the 2017 D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning, kicks off the conference as our keynote speaker. Drs. Sarah Tolmie (Associate Professor, English Language and Literature) and Sanjeev Bedi (Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering) will each recreate a successful instructional method that ignites motivation in their learners in the Igniting Our Practice plenary session.