James Benson, distinguished teaching by a registered student award recipient, 2000

Physics Department

James Benson, a graduate student in the Department of Physics, is nearing completion of his M.Sc. program in the field of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.  Since entering the program in Fall 1997, he has worked as a Teaching Assistant in Physics and has consistently performed his TA duties in an exemplary manner.  His TA duties included instructing first year undergraduate laboratories, and marking assignments and examinations.  James was the recipient of the Physics Graduate Teaching Assistantship Prize (GTAP) in Winter 1998.  This award, based on student evaluations conducted by the Department, is usually granted to a graduate student only once.  James’ outstanding performance was recognized by this award once again in Fall 1999.  Nominees report that he is “approachable, patient and encouraging and he goes beyond the realm of the average instructor in giving extra help”.  They summarize their nomination letter by saying “He makes a dreaded science requirement bearable with his positive attitude”.