Danica Martin, distinguished teaching by a registered student award recipient, 2004

Department of Health Studies and Gerontology

Danica Martin, a graduate student in Health Studies and Gerontology, was a Teaching Assistant in Health Studies 433 Advanced Research class.  Students were appreciative that Danica is “always on top of the information presented in class; it is rare that she does not know the answer to a question.  In the un-frequent event that she is stumped, she has been very fast at finding out the answer and emailing the solution to everyone.”  Students also appreciated the quick turnaround time for handing back assignments, even the long ones, and that she “always writes a lot of comments/suggestions for improvements when she marks.”   A colleague confirmed that she was “especially effective in providing detailed written feedback on the course assignments, which involved rather complex problem-solving exercises requiring individual guidance and clarification for each student’s particular concerns.”

Danica often holds extra office hours before exams or assignment due dates.  The students are impressed that she knows everyone in the class by name.  Danica went beyond what was required of a Teaching Assistant and prepared a detailed answer to an assignment for the class to use as a study guide.  As reported by a colleague, Danica “served a very important role as a positive mentor to the students, not only through her enthusiasm and commitment to academic excellence, but also through her personal integrity.”