Christina Vester, recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award, 2014

Classical Studies

Christina Vester
Christina Vester, an associate professor and undergraduate advisor in the Department of Classical Studies, joined the University of Waterloo in 2004. Dr. Vester impacts students directly through her classroom teaching style, mentorship, engaging and fair teaching practices, and supportive character and indirectly through her contributions to strategic re-design of the Classics programs. A student reflects that “When I leave this year, I know I will take her words of encouragement with me: to experience as much of our vast world that I can, and never be afraid to push your limits”. 

Dr. Vester’s dedication manifested itself in the development of an online teaching tool called “Ketos” used for learning Ancient Greek.  The online tool is widely recognized as the most-user friendly of the Greek tutorial tools available online.  She has reshaped the Labyrinth site designed to “navigate the twists and turns of Classical and Medieval Studies” and initiated the undergraduate journal Tiresias.