Rollen D'Souza, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Rollen D’Souza, a PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, is recognized by his students and colleagues for his exceptional adaptability to the COVID- 19 pandemic, his leadership skills, teaching methods, and approachability. D’Souza was able to develop online labs to a high quality during the COVID-19 pandemic. An undergraduate student remarked that D’Souza “put in extra effort to ensure the ECE380 labs were exceptional. Rollen made extra materials such as lab videos to ensure that online classes were maintaining the same level of quality as in-person labs.” A colleague pointed out that D’Souza played an indispensable role in offering online labs over the Spring of 2020, “it would have been impossible without his extraordinary efforts.” As well, several students have felt strongly supported by D’Souza. An undergraduate student remarked that “Rollen made it feel like we were all working on the lab together, which is a breath of fresh air during this isolating pandemic.” Students and faculty members are truly grateful for his dedication.
D’Souza has been a teaching assistant for SE 101, SE 465, ECE 459, MATH 213, ECE 351, and a lab instructor for ECE/SE 380.