PebblePad Resources

  • Creating Portfolios  - Students can review an already created portfolio, then use the Guide to learn how to use PebblePlus features and the properties panel to create and personalize a portfolio
  • Student Guide:  Topics include Introduction to PebblePad, Finding Resources, Auto-submit for Assessment, Manual Submit for Assessment, Confirming You have Submitted for Assessment, Finding Grades, Feedback & Comments, and Peer Review

Instructor Guides

  • Introduction to PebblePlus: (workshop) Topics include Uploading Files, Using PebblePad (in-built) Templates, Creating Custom Templates and Workbooks, Creating Pages and Portfolios
  • Introduction to ATLAS: (workshop) Topics include Introduction to ATLAS, Navigating ATLAS, Creating Auto-Submit Assignments, Creating Manual Submit Assignments, Setting up Resources for Manual submission and Auto-submission, Creating a Direct Link to a PebblePad Resource in LEARN, Grading and Feedback, and Viewing Grades and Feedback.
  • ATLAS- Providing Feedback – (workshop) Topics include Creating a Rubric Feedback Template and Adding to a Workspace, Creating Feedback Statement Collections, Grading and Feedback, Viewing Grades and Feedback.

PebblePad Features and how you might use them 
This Resource Guide features a series of 30-minute webinars with Powerpoint presentations created by PebblePad staff highlighting the different features available in PebblePad and how you might use them.

Release Notes 2024 - Review updates to the PebblePad system including videos to show how to use the features.

Features covered include

  • Introduction to PebblePlus – webinars include portfolio building, creating and modifying templates, building workbook, creating and using collections and activity logs
  • Introduction to ATLAS – webinars include why and when to use ATLAS, assignment settings, managing resources, feedback settings, using feedback templates and reporting basics
  • Using PebblePocket

Scaffolding Student Learning through PebblePad Workbooks   

Created and share by members of the PebblePad community, these examples illustrate the different ways PebblePad workbooks can be used to support student learning.  When you first click a link, you will be prompted to login to PebblePad. (If you find you can't view content on a particular page, click the 'Edit this Asset' link found in the upper left when you open the workbook.) If you're interested in adapting any of these workbooks, please reach out to Katherine Lithgow (

PP Welcome Week :
This workbook, and the activities in it, are designed to help students settle into university life in the first couple of weeks.

PP Clinical Placement Workbook:
This workbook was designed to provide students with all that they would need to prepare for and complete their Clinical Placement.  Students are expected to use this workbook on a regular basis before, throughout, and after their placement. Their final Placement grade is determined by the level of completion of the activities in this workbook.

PP Apprenticeship Workbook (Senior Leaders Master Degree Apprenticeship SLMDA):
Students use this workbook to collate all the information and evidence for their apprenticeship. It is completed by the student, as well as the student's workplace mentor and university tutor - collectively known as assessors. Towards the end of the apprenticeship, additional moderators may also be given permission to review the student's work.

PP Apprenticeship Workbook (Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship – PCDA):
Students use this workbook to collate all the information and evidence for their apprenticeship. It is completed by the student, as well as the student's workplace mentor and university tutor - collectively known as assessors. Towards the end of the apprenticeship, additional moderators may also be given permission to review the student's work.

PP Personal Tutor Workbook:
This workbook is designed to facilitate interaction between the student and the student's tutor/academic adviser who provides support and guidance throughout the student's studies. The tutor will provide feedback on ways to improve the student's academic performance and general guidance to help the student get the most out of their time.

PP Planning & Preparing for a Project:
This workbook is designed to support a more autonomous and individually defined project, to meet the personal learning agenda through this learning journey platform. This offers more empowerment to self-directed learners, but does create more vague scaffolding as it cannot be specific given the generic, templated nature.

Weekly Self-Reflection Journal Entries:
This workbook is designed to help students reflect on the skills they develop throughout their co-op work term, plan for their growth and development and articulate learning to themselves and others.