These resources are presented as a supplement to a poster presentation (PDF) made at the 2019 ELI Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California.
Open Textbook Repositories in Canada
- BCcampus: Open Textbook Collection
- eCampusOntario: Open Library
- Manitoba Open Textbook Initiative
- Sol*r: Shareable Online Learning Resources
Open Textbook Repositories outside of Canada
OpenCourseWare (free course materials presented in a curriculum)
Overview of Open Education
- A primer on Open Education, its history and benefits. yFile: York University's News. York University.
- Mary Burgess. BCOER Librarians Event (Videorecorded presentation).
- Open Access Educational Resources Guide. Ryerson University Library and Archives.
- Open Education and the Future. 2010. David Wiley. YouTube video.
- Tracking Online and Distance Education in Canadian Universities and Colleges: 2018. Canadian National Survey of Online and Distance Education. Survey conducted by the Canadian Digital Research Association. This resource provides links to both the report and and an infographic.
- Trends in Open Education. Chapter 10 of Teaching in a Digital Age. 2016. Tony Bates, BCcampus.
News Items
- Rajiv Jhangiani. January 2, (2018) To combat soaring textbook costs, look to an open-source approach. The Globe and Mail.
- The open educational resources movement is redefining the concept of online textbooks. April 4, 2017. University Affairs.
- Campus Alberta OER Program Evaluation. March 31, 2017. Campus Alberta Open Educational Resources. (PDF)
- Barker, J., Jeffery, K., Jhangiani, R. S., & Veletsianos, G. (2018). Eight patterns of open textbook adoption in British Columbia. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(3).
- White Paper on Open Educational Resources. November 2017. Ontario Council of University Libraries.
Journals and Consortiums
- The Commonweath of Learning
- Community College Consortiium for Open Educational Resources
- International Council For Open And Distance Education
- The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
Policy and Implementation
- Adopting Open Textbooks. Peer 2 Peer University. This online course is not currently active but all materials (documents, videos) are still available. BCcampus. 2015.
- OER Policy Videos. A series of six video interviews with OER leaders. Open Washington: Open Educational Resources Network.
- OER Policy Development Tool. Amanda Coolidge, Senior Manager Open Education, BCcampus and Institute for Open Leadership Fellow, and Daniel DeMarte, Chief Academic Officer, Tidewater Community College and Institute for Open Leadership Fellow.
- OER: The Champion's Toolkit. Alberta Open Educational Resources.
- Policy and Open Education: Less Boring Than You Might Think. November 8, 2018. James Skidmore, University of Waterloo (blog).
- The Implementation of Open Educational Resources at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. July 15, 2018. Contact North.