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School appoints Cheriton Chair in Software Systems
Dr. Frank Tip has joined the Cheriton School as its first Cheriton Chair in Software Systems, a position funded by the School's naming endowment.
Prof. Tip has spent his career at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center, here he has managed the Program Analysis and Transformation group since 2003.
Cheriton graduate receives Vanier
John Doucette, soon to begin his PhD at the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, has been awarded one of ten Vanier Scholarships from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
John will research resource allocation in multi-agent systems. He began his post-secondary education at Dalhousie University at the age of 15. He has also held an NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship, an Ontario Graduate Scholarship and a David R. Cheriton Graduate Scholarship.
Congratulations to Jacqueline Mok & Simina Branzei!
At the June 2012 Convocation, Jacqueline Mok received the Outstanding Service and Leadership Award for her role in the creation of the BigCSters mentoring program. This program pairs senior student mentors with first-year computer science students. Simina Branzei received the Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies Award for her Master's degree, completed under the supervision of Associate Professor, Kate Larson.
Waterloo Black Team wins bronze
Congratulations to the Waterloo ACM team - students Tyson Andre, Benoit Maurin, and Anton Raichuk with coach Prof. Ondrej Lhotak - on their bronze medal at the 2012 Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals!

First place in University of Chicago Invitational Programming Contest
The Waterloo Black team (Tyson Andre, Benoit Maurin, Anton Raichuk) finished first in the University of Chicago Invitational Programming Contest. The contest brought together all 22 Canadian and U.S. teams that have qualified for the World Finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest to be held May 14 to 18 in Warsaw, Poland. Waterloo solved 9 problems, beating runners-up Harvard, Stanford, and Princeton. Alberta finished 8th, UBC 10th and Toronto 13th.
2012 Achievement Awards
Congratulations to the following five professors from the Cheriton School of Computer Science for their accomplishments in 2011. They will be recognized along with several outstanding students at the annual Achievements Awards reception held in the Davis Centre this April, 2012.
Achievement Awards:
2011 Derick Wood graduate scholar chosen
The 2011 Derick Wood Graduate Scholarship has been awarded to Jakub Truszkowski, a student at the Cheriton School of Computer Science since 2008. Jakub designs fast algorithms for building evolutionary trees from DNA sequences. This problem is one of the oldest computational biology problems, as evolution is the core of modern biology. The two methods that Jakub has developed with his advisor, Professor Dan Brown, focus on speed and on algorithmic simplicity.
Cheriton professor named IEEE Fellow
Professor Raouf Boutaba has been named a Fellow of the IEEE, "for contributions to automated network and service management methodologies and applications." IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious designation.